You're welcomeだけじゃない!Thank youの答えかた

「Thank you!」と言われた時、「You're welcome」と答えがちではないでしょうか?もちろん間違いではないのですが、他にもいろいろとニュアンスを伝える表現があります。

そこで、Thank youの答え方をまとめてみました♪

How to answer "Thank you. "

1. Anytime
It demonstrates that you were happy to assist with whatever was asked of you and glad to do so.

2. I’m always happy to help
It can be great in both formal and casual settings.
In professional settings, you are open and available for completing tasks.
In casual settings, it shows that you have done whatever deed from the kindness of your heart.

3. It’s nothing
This phrase can be used when someone is overly thankful.

4. Not a problem
It has a casual tone and it lets the person know that the help you offered was not a bother to you.

5. No worries
It is to tell a person what you did was not a big deal and no further compensation was needed.

6. Sure
It is a great word to use when you just want to get the moment over with, and there is no need for a big show of gratitude.

7. That’s okay
You can use this phrase when someone is offering to repay you. It suggests verbal 'thank you' is sufficient and no further compensation is needed.

8. The pleasure was all mine
It is a very polite way of saying "You're welcome."
It is great because it shifts the pressure off of the person whom you did a favor for.

9. No, thank you
When someone invited you to a party or event and is thanking you for coming, this phrase is useful to let the person know that you enjoyed yourself and appreciated the invitation.

Or, if you're communicating with someone in the service industry and an employee is thanking you for coming to a restaurant or a hotel, you can use this phrase to show your gratitude and a humble disposition.

10. Absolutely!
It is a great way to let someone know that you were more than willing to do them a favor in the first place and you will gladly do it again.

11. Don’t mention it
It is a good response that tells the person the aid didn't take much out of you, and there is no real need for thanks.
It implies that you are not looking for praise and you were just happy to help.

12. It’s the least I can do for you
This phrase is useful when someone has helped you in the past. The phrasing demonstrates that what you did was simply your way of repaying him/her.
It can be also used for someone you share a strong bond with and wish to help in any way.

13. It was no big deal, really
When someone takes a lot of effort to thank you, this is a good way to let him/her know that the extra effort wasn’t really necessary.

14. De nada
It's ‘you’re welcome’ in Spanish.
It is a not-too-serious playful response.
It shows that you don’t think too much of what you did and it wasn’t a big deal.

15. You’re welcome
It is used as a standard and polite response to "thank you."

When someone says "Thank you," you don’t have to restrict your answer to ‘you’re welcome.’
There are many other ways that you can acknowledge appreciation!

感謝の気持ちに対して色々な返答の仕方がありますね♪ シチュエーションによって使い分けられると英語での会話もより楽しくなること間違いなしです。

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