230504 At noisy library

In order to be a brilliant English speaker, I want to write down what I thought at note app.
First of all, I want you guys to take notification that I have a sharp tongue (dirty mouth) in English comparing with in Japanese. I found out this fact that I frequently argue with foreign student from China. Though I don't prefer her awful attitude, I become a more selfish guy in front of English speakers than in Japanese. 
I hope this bad habit would be modified by refining my English skills.

I could success to soak myself in English today, so I want to introduce  nothing to boast but fun day.

In these days (only a week) , I'm a early bird, although I used to be wake up at just after  10 a.m. 
In this morning, I booked cambly (online English conversation app) at 9 a.m. It is really hard to deal with English right after wake-up.
Today's student except me were from Brazil. They were already known today's host, so they communicated in a friendly way when I joined the class.
In combination with their good English speaking, I felt out of place (isolated).
Firstly (To begin with), we asked to introduce the character where I live. I only told vanilla things about Japan such as anime and nijya. But I'm not crazy about them, so I thought it is necessary to have a stock up on Japanese selling points. At that moment, what is the correct answer as a Japanese?

traditional temple, shrine, and castles.
we can obtain fresh raw fish because japan is surround by ocean.
the spirit of "omotenashi", but maybe I don't have this.

They (except me!!!) have already done today's topic, so we talked randomly such as phobias, my hobby, my goal , my current situation regarding to English and so on.
I haven't been asked someone about my  phobias in Japanese as well, so it was really troublesome to respond. To be friendly, I answered I'm not good at roller coaster. But honestly, my real phobias is to see girls sticky each other to display their close relationship. As I haven't think over my phobias, I don't know this feeling suit to the concept of "phobias". It is unclear for me the difference between phobias and weakness.
And I also respond that I overcame the situation where I take meals with cruel drama such as walking dead.  Looking back on it, this story totally didn't fit phobias as well as weakness.  I should reflect this answer as something stupid.

The guy in Brazil told us to get four tattoos at the same time in his arm.
Because the host asked me if you want to get tattoo,  I answered "No, in Japan people who have tattoo could not permit to enter hot spring. This is really crucial. This reaction seemed that I denied his tattoo.
At that moment, I should explain the cultural background of Japan, which tattoo is the symbol of "yakuza", crime syndicate in Japan. However, when I found this fact, the class have already over and I was in McDonald's. 

I need to improve my sharp tongue immediately.

