Grammarly is really useful function

Today's teacher was so distinct that he got angry with our attitude not to have a conversation. He strongly requires bidirectional interaction not unidirectional speaking. And after our conversation is over, he pointed out the mistakes we made. This style was comfortable for me.
Today, I concentrated on hearing the other students talk. 
My recent trend is to speak slowly for organizing and delivering properly what I'd like to tell.  This mindset made sense in today's class as well.
I gave a response to the information about the alternative option of not having our babies. She hears this news from a TV show. This indicated that we need to spend a lot of money to have babies. And then the existence of babies interferes with our health such as crying at midnight.
I accept this idea for respecting our well-being. But I suggest that this option involves some problems represented by declining the birth rate. This problem is serious in Japan. Japanese women hesitate to have babies because they have jobs and the expense to have babies. 
So I suggest the government establish a proper system to solve these problems. Regardless to say, newborns are a treasure for the future. 

She explained that this TV show was broadcasted in 2001 or so. So this problem is not critical now in Brazil. I'm quite interested in the fluctuation of the national population and the factors involves.

For my part, as I don't have anything interesting related to our health, I introduce the medication to treat my weird spots on the finger.
The doctor took medicine that contains vitamin C. But I frequently forget to take these. She advised me that I should set alarms to remind me to take them.

