Saturday night with Brazilians

Recently, I annoy for declining listening ability. Several month ago, I was proud of the listening ability due to daily English communication. 
I have no idea the exact reason such as the reduction of opportunities of conversations in English.
I hope this troublesome reflect my English skill improvement, which leads the next difficulties.
I don't feel such decline in the point of speaking , which also have room of improvement of course…. 
I know listening is essential part of conversation. So I should add more listening training.

 The teacher of today's class was kind of pervert(エロおやじ).
 He started the class from the question "Are you whether introvert or extrovert ? I haven't think this point ,so I couldn't answer clearly.
First I thought I don't hesitate to contact with unfamiliar person, and I can appeal what I think easily. So I answered I guess I'm extrovert. However, I realized that I prefer to be with not so many people around 2-3. And I tend to do experiment by myself and don't seek to communicate in the lab. So depending on the situation, I switch introvert or extrovert.
This is the best answer of mine.

This time, I introduced about the city where I have been living.
Fukuoka is not familiar to foreign people compared with Tokyo or Kyoto.
 My favorite points of our city are delicious food and landscape of nakasu.
At Nakasu, there are stalls along the river surrounded by urban city at night.
tourists and local people drink and eat local noodles at stalls. I like the fusion the old-fashioned stalls with modern tall building. Though I haven't been to eat food at stalls, this scenery is definitely character of our city.

 And then, teacher started spontaneously talked about our private stuff such as do you have brother or sibling? , do you have better half? and so on.
I don't know this question is normal in foreign countries. But I know this question is kind of taboo in Japan. 

The two Brazilian women answered that they have partners and who have date with for a long time. As the foreign student told me, it may be standard for many foreign people dating with specific person for a long time.
I want to know the mindset of them.


