Japanese pretend air in the office

Learned terms 
sassy:生意気 story development:話の展開 diagram 分かりやすい図
point out 指摘する(indicateよりも広く使える) up until last month(ある程度の期間+期限を示すならup がいる)   language barrier 言葉の壁
chill (casual のslung) socializable 社交的な its circumstantial その時に依る
話し合いの末決める find a resolution ,find the middle ground

In this lesson, I decided what I want to talk and some phrases which is necessary to deliver what I want to tell properly.
Because the respectful English influencer Atsu recommended this.

I could overcome the issues, which I repeat the contents what I talk at cambly.
As I expect, I can talk about the experience of presentation I gave at retreat on the day before yesterday. I first mentioned I need to prepare slides for students or teachers who are unfamiliar with my research field, which was for the first time.
So I paid attention to story development and diagrams for visualizing what I tell.  

I have properly memorize the manuscript. However I was so nervous that I have no afford to watch the audiences. When I indicate the slides by laser pointer,  I totally trembled. I managed to finish the presentation and fortunately, I didn't forget the sentenses what I wanted to say, and I could response properly at the question section.
However I strongly regretted the attitude when I give presentation. It was inadequate only preparing good slides with facinated picture, I should have made more effort to be good presenter. It is desirable to watch audience without staring my slides.
I haven't pay attention to the attitude during presentation.
Of course I could grow up every time I give presentation because the problems I strongly feel were totally different among conferences I attended.
Thus I could obtain the lesson from this experience.
I could talk this properly maybe thanks to the preparation in advance.

The teacher gave credit for my speak. so she didn't correct what I said.
I usually worry if it is make sense to others what I mean. So it was helpful for me not to widen my talk but to indicate  my English error only.

Next topic was something frustration you face in your office.
I talked two topics about the English speaking in our lab and the difference of interest between me and my boss.
The first one is custom of our lab. Because the foreign student from China have spent our lab for a year up until last month,
However it remains the custom that we use English at meeting. It is OK for me because I want to improve English speaking skills. However no one can point out( indicate) English error  properly. It may be not for us only to speak English randomly. Like today's lesson, I should keep in mind the new phrases or new way to deliver.

And then I also introduced the problem I have sometimes conflict with my boss regarding with our research interest. I cannot find out the just term to express this situation when we manage to leach the point both of us convince. The teacher told us "find the resolution" or find the middle ground"
