

Mokrenko Valery Ivanovich
Russian philosopher, PhD in Philosophy

- Good afternoon! My name is Mokrenko Valery Ivanovich. I am a candidate of philosophical sciences. At one time, I defended my dissertation on the topic: “Russian ideas in modern Russia. Socio-philosophical analysis. " And here are the issues of the topic that we are discussing today is it an unconditional basic income, or a guaranteed income, or basic income. The main direction, as it were, the main idea, it is aimed at ensuring social justice, improving the well-being of people, and ultimately, overcoming the problem of poverty. This is the age-old problem that accompanies humanity. Many people, prominent representatives of the human race, have said that the world is not perfect. It must be made more harmonious, more beautiful, more fair. And man, as the image and likeness of God, has the right to justice, to happiness. But unfortunately, poverty still exists. Moreover, this is a flashy problem that is characteristic for the whole world. And you know, when I look at the problems existing in the world, at poor people, at people who are sick, who cannot find means for treatment, especially for treating children, I begin to think, but in general is human civilization and man a reasonable phenomenon? After all, how does a person differ from an animal, in that a person has some moral, spiritual, ethical guidelines, love. What kind of love, when on the one hand the minimum number of people, small number, it has huge fortunes, and on the other hand, people simply do not have the means to eat normally. Yes, even many people do not have clean water. Sometimes it seems that we live in some kind of absurd world. How much money is spent on luxury goods. How much money is spent on weapons. A few years ago, the UN adopted a poverty alleviation program. Well, scientists thought that the fight against poverty would require about $ 65 billion. So I’ll say that the profit of a company that produces mobile entertainment games, the profit is almost the same amount. And then, it is also estimated, that if less than 30% of the richest families transferred a dozen of their wealth to the poverty alleviation fund, then many of the problems of poverty would be overcome. And in connection with this I would like to say one more thing that this flashy problem is also characteristic of Russia. This is all the more paradoxical because Russia is the richest country in terms of natural resources in the world. A third of all natural resources are concentrated in Russia. Only according to official figures, the poverty rate is 14%. In such a rich Republic as Yakutia, the poverty rate is 20%. And there are: gold, diamonds, oil, gas, rare earth materials. But the previous comrade said that: and where does the profit from the subsoil go, from these revenues? It goes to the federal center. And then where? How do people feel this on themselves? Almost nothing. A national welfare fund in the amount of 7.8 trillion rubles has been created in Russia. But the question again arises, but how is this money spent? Because the poverty level in Russia continues to increase and the social stratification of society is also increasing. And here I would like to move on to the think that it all contradicts the commandments, the foundations, the principles of our Christian Orthodox culture. This is fundamentally contradicts. Because, both in the Gospel and in the teachings of the holy fathers of the church, it is repeatedly said that man was created in the image and likeness of God. And all people are equal. Moreover, the whole world was created by the Lord, and everything that exists is God's, and it is completely unfair when some have enormous wealth and others have nothing. This is a violation of the canons, the commandments of our Lord. Including violation of the commandment of love. These are fundamental principles that distinguish man from the animal world. The following parable is given in the Gospel of Matthew: “The Lord said to his disciples. I was hungry and you fed me. I was naked and you dressed me. I was in dungeon and you came to me. I was thirsty and you got me drunk. ” And the disciples say: “Lord, when was this?” And Jesus Christ, he often spoke allegorically. He says: “If you did this to someone from the people, to someone from the lesser of this world, then you did it to me. And if you did not do this to a person, to any person, then you did not do this to me. And you get punishment. ” And in general, in the teachings of the Holy Fathers, such a thing is held there that a person has nothing of his own. This is all of God. This is all in common. And the man on Earth, even who received wealth, he is not the absolute owner of this. He is, as it were, just a manager. Through him, the Lord simply gives the opportunity to distribute all these benefits to other people, and to do this reasonably and fairly. But unfortunately… And whoever does not do this is also a thief, say the Holy Fathers, in particular St. John Chrysostom - a very famous and revered saint in the entire Christian world. Moreover, I think that, these values, they are inherent in any traditional religion, any nation, any ethnic group. And these values ​​- they are common to all mankind enduring values. And I believe that, of course, the basic income is a means of realizing just these the Gospel commandments of love, mercy, compassion and justice. Any person in the country, a citizen of the country, in particular, we will talk about Russia, has the right, at the fact his birth in this country, or a person who has lived here for a long time, has the right for receipt of part of the national income, natural resource rent or income from other sources. It is justly. And on the example of Russia, and our society today, one can see how wealth was formed. After all, Russia now occupies one of the first places in the number of billionaires and millionaires. Where did it come from? It was a public property. This was given to some people factories, factories, oil fields, mines and stuff, stuff. In a short time they became billionaires, and a huge part of the population remained poor. If is it justly? I think that this causes both social tension and other negative phenomena in our society. And this must be overcome. And here is one way - this is just the introduction, the implantation of unconditional basic income. And there are enough resources in the country to ensure the implementation of this project. Thank!
