I didn't feel well, time of the month, briefly, I didn't feel like doing, get it over by willpower, my final term, rare heavy rain, beneficial for me, I am glad that~

I wasn't feeling well today due to time of the month. I thought momentarily that I wanted not to go to the school when I woke up today this morning, but I got it over by willpower because this term is the last one for me. The today's class was for me, so I thought I was glad to go to school after the class although it rained a lot today in Brisbane for a change.

I didn't feel well today due to time of the month. When I woke up this morning, at first I didn't feel like going to school, but I got it over by willpower because this is my final term. Despite the rare heavy rain in Brisbane today, today's class was beneficial for me, so I was glad I went to school after my class.


  1. "I wasn't feeling well today due to time of the month." - The phrase "time of the month" is often used as a euphemism for a woman's menstrual cycle. While it is understandable, it may be more appropriate to explicitly mention "my monthly cycle" to convey the meaning clearly.

  2. "I thought momentarily that I wanted not to go to the school when I woke up today this morning" - This sentence sounds a bit awkward and can be simplified. "I briefly considered not going to school when I woke up this morning" conveys the same meaning more naturally.

  3. "I got it over by willpower" - The phrase "got it over" is not commonly used in this context. "I pushed through it with sheer willpower" better expresses the idea of overcoming the initial reluctance.

  4. "The today's class was for me" - Instead of "The today's class," use "Today's class" to indicate possession. Alternatively, you can say "The class today was important to me."

  5. "although it rained a lot today in Brisbane for a change" - The phrase "for a change" implies that it is unusual for Brisbane to experience heavy rain. However, without prior context, it is unclear why this would be surprising. Removing "for a change" and simply stating "although it rained a lot today in Brisbane" provides a clear description.
