
卒業生の言葉 / Message from almuni ②

We asked students participating in the May 2023 course to tell us what they felt throughout the program while their memories are fresh. Here are some of the feedback we received, from karly, a landscape student at Hawaii University.

After completing this 10 day program I feel like I have gained a new understanding of architecture and design. The designs we create last for so many years before being forgotten or neglected. The places we saw throughout the 10 days are among that group of neglected places. Now we have come along to deconstruct and reimagine how these forgotten places can be used or revitalized. I wonder what the people who first designed and inhabited these places thought would be happening in 50 or 60 years. I don’t think they would’ve imagined a group of foreign students taking charge and trying to reimagine uses for their creations.

I feel that I’ve really connected with the people that I’ve met. I’m going to miss everyone so much! Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner together was honestly so much fun. It’s going to feel weird but seeing everyone anymore. Not being able to go and work or party in the Ohiroma. Not being able to walk to JA at to the port for drinks and snacks. I’m definitely going to miss the quiet of the island when I head back to the city and head back home to Honolulu. I’m going to miss saying hello to all the people that we pass and having broken conversations when running into people when I was walking around.


私は本当に、出会った人々とのつながりを感じています。 みんながいなくなるととても寂しくなります! 朝、昼、晩を一緒に食べるのは、率直にとても楽しかったです。 もうみんなに会えないと思うと変な気持ちになります。 大広間に行って仕事をしたり、パーティーをしたりすることができないのです。 飲み物や軽食を買うために港まで歩いてJAまで行くこともできません。 都会に戻ってホノルルに帰るときは、島の静けさが恋しくなることは間違いありません。 すれ違う人たちに挨拶したり、歩き回っているときに出会ったときのちょっとしたお話が恋しくなるでしょう。

プログラムの感想と合わせて、たくさんの交流を重ねた鷺浦小学校の子どもたちにもこんなメッセージが送られています。Along with their impressions of the program, she also sent this message to the children of Sagiura Elementary School, with whom they had much time together.

"Thank you for welcoming me to your school! I really appreciate everybody being so kind and welcoming even when I couldn’t communicate. You folks are so special and I hope that you realize that. The opportunity to learn and grow on Sagishima is something unique that only you guys have. I spent 10 days there and it was such a magical experience. I hope that you guys appreciate the opportunity you have. I also hope that you guys will connect more with the islanders and try to learn more about the history of the island and one day come back as someone to make the island better.
Once again, Thank you and Aloha!!”

