

2024年5月20日から6月1日かけて、The Red Dot School5月プログラムを開催します。今年は海外から13名・日本から3名の大学生を三原市・佐木島に迎えます。2週間のプログラムの前半には、市営住宅の解体ワークショップなどを行い、後半には4つのチームに分かれてプロジェクトを構想します。テーマは、解体・アップサイクル・祭り・循環などです。


The Red Dot School May Program will be held from May 20 to June 1, 2024. This year we will welcome 13 university students from abroad and 3 from Japan to Sagishima, Mihara City, for the first half of the 2-week program, which will include a workshop on deconstructing municipal housing, and in the second half of the program, the students will be divided into 4 teams to conceptualize their projects. A presentation will be held on June 1, and will consist of three parts. Please come to Sakishima to see the results of the students' work.

①10:00- 11:00 島内発表会(日本語・通訳あり)
②11:30- から   レビュー(専門家を招いた発表会・英語・通訳あり)
③17:00- パーティ&交流会

10:00- 11:00 Local review (Japanese, interpretation provided)
11:30- Expert Review ( English, interpretation provided)
17:00- Party & Networking


The on-island presentation is an opportunity for students to give a presentation in Japanese to invited islanders and exchange opinions with them. The Review is an opportunity for students to give presentations in English (with interpretation) and discuss with experts. The Party & Social is an opportunity for students, staff, and those interested in the school to meet each other. All meetings are open to everyone.

場所 / Locations

<発表会とレビュー>格明舎 (旧第二集会所) 〒723-0022 広島県三原市鷺浦町4351−1

参加費 /Fee

There will be a donation box and we would appreciate your contribution if you would like to donate. The party will be bring-your-own style. Please bring your own drinks and food. Please avoid raw food.

参加申し込み  / Application


To get a rough estimate of the number of participants, please register here. Please note that we will not contact you after registration. Please be sure to check this page for the latest information on the event.

交通 / Access
We do not provide pick-up and drop-off services. Please confirm access to the site in advance.


We look forward to welcoming you to the island.

河野直 Nao Kono
