
卒業生の言葉 / Message from almuni ①

We asked students participating in the May 2023 course to tell us what they felt throughout the program while their memories are fresh. Here are some of the feedback we received, from Seymour, a landscape student at U.C. Berkeley.

The 10-day architecture research and experience program provided by the Red Dot School is extremely meaningful and valuable. We are so fortunate that the instructors, primarily Nao-san, Bryan, and Momoko-san, as well as the joint efforts of the Sagishima islanders, such as Iso-san, our guest reviewers, and chefs worked very hard to provide us students with this comprehensive journey for learning and growth and took care of us tenderly throughout the process. In the program, we befriended elite and cool people from around the world, and together we created memories that we would never forget in our life. Through participating in local events, for example, interacting with the elementary schoolers and playing ground golf with the elders, we learned to live like the islanders (which is a very enjoyable lifestyle); through our final projects, we attempted our best to give back to the island with our designs and documentation of the people's stories. The May studio means a lot to me. The kids' laughter, the elders' warm welcoming, the blood and sweat of our work, the love and care given to us, and the joy and tears of everyone who comprises this memorable chapter of our lives; the cicada chirps, the constellations of the summer night sky, the reflection of the moon on the gently padding waves of the sea, the silhouettes of our figures under the fireworks. I cry, when I remember these scenes of the past which now, feel like a dream. I cry, when I remember their faces and voices. I cry, because everything was too beautiful. I cry, because I find myself fell in love with this dream. 10 days, 240 hours. Numbers don't matter anymore, when I lost track of time on Sagishima. I feel as if I've lived a life on this island, as if I am still part of it.

レッドドットスクールが提供する10日間の建築リサーチ・体験プログラムは、非常に有意義なものでした。 幸いなことに、ナオさん、ブライアンさん、モモコさんを中心とした講師の方々と、イッソウさん、ゲストレビュアー、シェフなどの佐木島島民の協力により、私たちに生徒の教育に尽力していただきました。 この方々はこの学習と成長のための旅全体に参加し、そのプロセス全体を通して私たちを優しく世話してくれました。 このプログラムでは、私たちは世界中の優秀でクールな人々と友達になり、人生で決して忘れられない思い出を一緒に作りました。 小学生との交流や、お年寄りとのグラウンドゴルフなど、地域の行事に参加することで、島民らしく生活すること(とても楽しい生活です)を学びました。 私たちは最終プロジェクトを通じて、デザインと人々の物語の記録を通じて島に恩返しできるよう最善を尽くしました。 この5月のスタジオは私にとって大きな意味を持つものです。 子どもたちの笑い声、年長者の温かい歓迎、私たちの仕事の血と汗、私たちに与えられた愛と配慮、そして私たちの人生のこの記念すべき章を構成するすべての人の喜びと涙。 蝉の鳴き声、夏の夜空の星座、穏やかに打ち寄せる海に映る月の影、花火の下に映る私たちのシルエット。 今となっては夢のような過去の光景を思い出すと、涙が出てきます。 10日間、240時間。 佐木島で時間を忘れたとき、もう数字は関係ありません。 まるでこの島で人生を過ごしたかのように、今も私がその島の一部であるかのように感じます。

プログラムの感想と合わせて、たくさんの交流を重ねた鷺浦小学校の子どもたちにもこんなメッセージが送られています。Along with their impressions of the program, he also sent this message to the children of Sagiura Elementary School, with whom they had much time together.

You are all so lucky to be surrounded by the people on this island who love you so much and the extreme beauty of the island itself. One day, maybe you will become someone who you have never imagined, maybe you will live in a different city or country; maybe you will accomplish something great and find your own meanings in life. Just don't forget, that when you were still a kid, there was the group of us coming to Sagishima, truly learned so much from you all and had so much fun with you all. Just don't forget, wherever you might be, when you are confused or want a break, you can always come back to where you started, you can always come back home.


