Build Your Career as a Freelancer in India- Receptix

Freelancers have taken over the world by a storm. Over the past years, freelancing has become a popular way of earning a living for so many professionals. One of the most common freelancing gigs is writing.There are so many freelance writers who provide their services And thanks to the rise of content writing job vacancies in Bangalore , Mumbai, and other metropolitan cities-freelancers have been able to make a good living for themselves while working from home. 

As a freelance writer, you are either a generalist or a specialist.A generalist is open to writing anything-any topic in any niche.One week they are writing about food, other days they are writing for fashion blogs. Specialists have a particular niche they work in. They write content specific to their niche and only that.

Specialists are able to focus on one particular field and hence deal with clients exclusive to that niche only. In the large world of content marketing, having expertise in a particular field will serve as an advantage. Because of this reason, many people believe that being a specialist is more rewarding.
Also, click here to find out more about Content Writing Job Vacancies in Delhi.
However, the decision of choosing a niche can be confusing. So here are a few tips to make it easier:

Find Your Expert Area: 
The very first thing you need to figure out is the area you consider yourself an "expert" of. Think of all the topics you enjoy writing about, the ones you have good knowledge about. Chances are if you love what you are writing about, you are more likely to be successful in your freelancing journey.
An effective way to identify your interests is to observe the kind of information you already consume. For instance, the types of articles and content you enjoy reading about. It could be politics, productivity, fashion, or cutting-edge medical innovations. But figuring out what sorts of things interest you is a good place to start.

Identify Your Strengths & Weaknesses: 
Since your goal as a specialist is to become an expert in a niche, you need to identify your strengths. Knowing what you are good at will be highly beneficial when you are starting out in your expert area. It can also help in pinpointing areas you lack in, so you can develop goals to overcome those weaknesses. Being self-aware is one of the biggest qualities you can have as a writer.

They weren't lying when they said practice makes perfect. Especially if you are a new freelance writer, try your hands at a bunch of different writing styles. Try writing blog posts for a personal blog, articles, listicles, etc. If you don't practice you will never know what works for you and what doesn't. 

Identify Market Opportunities: 
Once you have some idea about which niche you want to go for, you need to do some market research. It is important to identify what kind of opportunities this field has if it's profitable, are there any publications that accept articles in this niche, etc. If there seems to be no particular place for writing about your subject, chances are your niche is too specific. So take a step back and see how you can broaden your idea. 

Expand Your Knowledge: 
You might have chosen a subject that you have good knowledge in, but there are always more things to learn. Especially if you are in the content writing field, you need to constantly update your knowledge base and learn new things to make So take advantage of any chance you get to add to your knowledge base.
