
Pogchamp Extended 3 笔记

       这是我第一次使用note,我决定把这一次用作Pog 3的笔记。请原谅我并不擅长日文,因此我打算用中文和英文来撰写内容。
       It's my first time to use note, and I will make it for my Pogchamp 3 experience note. Sorry for my poor Japanese, and I will editor all content by using Chinese and English.

前言 / Prologue
       首先非常感谢由そーりあさん为代表的主办方筹划的本次Pog 3制图大赛,能够顺利举办三次这样的大规模比赛离不开你们在幕后的辛勤劳动和付出,你们为马里奥制造社区增添了巨大的活力。同样非常感谢各位参赛者,你们为本次大会精心制作了最优秀的节目内容,我和各位观众同样在直播间欣赏各位的作品,感到大饱眼福。
        First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the organizers represented by Solea for planning this Pog 3 competition. The successful hosting of such large-scale competition for 3 years is inseparable from your hard work and dedication. You have added powerful vitality to SMM community. Besides, thank you very much to all the participants. You have carefully made the best contents for this livestream. We really enjoyed your works in the livestream, which was a feast for our eyes.

个人作品 / Individual Course
       Within the 2 days after the competition, my course received multiple reposts and likes. It also received recognition from many players who were also participants, which was very out of my expect. I have seen everyone's note and tweet, thank you very much for your support. When it comes to my course, I don't intend to mention too many details about that, but I will briefly describe my idea.

原推文 / Original tweet

       The theme of this course was set in September last year, but I only started making it 10 days before the competition deadline due to the pressure of academic papers and work internships. Therefore, I apologize for not being able to pay more attention to this course. I think it should have more room for improvement.
       有关于这个作品的主题 - Salamander,他的官方译名是“火蜥蜴”,同时也是日本FC游戏机时代非常著名的一款2D飞行射击游戏的标题 - 沙罗曼蛇(我小时候最喜欢的一款游戏之一)。我觉得在马里奥制造中实现这样一个以高速运动和飞行物为主题的内容会非常有趣,因此这成为了我本次作品的主线内容,同时Salamander这个标题一语双关,因此我觉得将它作为本次作品的标题是最优解。
       The theme of this course - Salamander, whose official translation is "Fire Lizard", and it is also the title of a famous 2D shooting game in Japanese FC game - Salamander, which is also one of my favorite games when I was a child. I think it would be very interesting to implement such a content with high-speed movement and floating objects as the theme in SMM, so I made it as main element of my course. Meanwhile, this title is a pun, so I think using it as the title for this course is the optimal solution.

灵感来源 / Source of inspiration

       In the process of making this course, I pay much attention to global composition and visual impact. In my opinion, if a course can leave a deep impression on audience with a certain content, then it's very successful for me, and it's also one of a characteristic that should be prepared for a submission. Therefore, I adopted the method of "presenting all the main content to the audience instantly" as opening, and I was very satisfied with the final performance. However, all the content has to be led by these three fire bubble queues, and the difficulty of designing and adjustment will increase exponentially. Therefore, I had to make a trade-off by weaking the mechanism design and trick using in this course. If you watch the video carefully multiple times, you will find that the subsequent mechanism design is almost independent, with few linkage parts and almost no use of tricks. I think these things are also the fatal weakness of this course.

结语 / Ending
       This competition has become an important experience for me in SMM and it's also my honor to have the opportunity to exchange ideas with multiple skilled participants around the world. In addition, my course has also received a lot of recognition and discussion. Although my course has some flaws in the final performance, in terms of the results, I am very satisfied with the outcome of this competition. Comparing with gaining ranks and scores, gaining experience in creating is more significant.
