
Solana Labs CEO discusses faster, more energy-efficient blockchain(和訳)

I've got to go to it because I, I think you're really, really impressive history and our people have made fortunes, who are connected with you so I need to know first of all, why does your company exist. And second, why need?



 blockchain is a revolutionary technology that is really enabling people to go, you know, person to person without any intermediaries, but Bitcoin and Ethereum are just way too slow for that. So Solana is there to really enable that 1 billion people to go fully interconnected.


Let's figure this out way too slow. The way I like to prepare is that let's say a visa, we have American Express on tonight. They do so many calculations per second so many things are you telling me, Ethereum, and Bitcoin don't work this as fast.

これを解決するには、時間がかかりすぎますね!American ExpressのVisaを持っていますよね。これ、1秒間にすっごく速度で計算処理するんですけど、イーサリアムやビットコインではこれほどまでに早くは処理できないということですか?


No, both the  Ethereum and Bitcoin are can basically handle about a city the size of Berkeley, California, that's that's where they crept up.



Why is this your decentralize finances yours work different, because you just have a better mousetrap.

So those technologies are about 10 years old, proof of work and what they're based on are quite old .Solana based on a bunch of tech that myself and most of the folks that came into Qualcomm kind of leverage from our, you know expertise in the wireless industry, and really optimized this thing to take advantage of Moore's Law hardware that keeps getting faster and faster, and we've benchmarked this to 65,000 TPS which is the speed of visa, and our sights are bigger than that you know in our seats level beck, we literally said that its blockchain of Nasdaq speed, so we want to play some bigger Dragon,that just payments .



why don't we all switch of Solana media, solana  sounds like it's actually commercial, and the other guys  sound like that they're antique.


There's already 1000s of people already switching so if you want to go switting  or if you want to call new, new, new engineers coming into the space and building the application, we saw a massive influx of developers over the last year.

