

"And I know no one can sing the blues like Blind Willie McTell"

It would be kind of struggle for some people who love music perhaps regardless you are player or listener.

It's always nice to have such a fact for having healthy doubt towards contemporary world.
But it's also nice to have question how is it true and from which perspectives?

It's totally my individual thinking and not of other's but, maybe, others feeling similar way.

Allegedly at the Paganini's shows around Europe(was then not Europe of course) in 19th century, many of people mostly women fell into a trance for his sound and playing.

Also it can happen that when some blues singer 1930's sing about "love" it sounds far different from some hits in chart in 21st century sing about same word.

I think this thing should have been seen regardless genre of music.

Maybe there were different souls in people’s heart?

I love to contemplate about such little old world sometimes.
When after the steam engine was invented and powerful thought was needed for many people to adapt the society which is madly expanding.
Strange people outside(I could be one of them),smoky bad women beneath the building of bricks,full of unscientific prejudices.Not welcome but assassination. Drag-queens.
Men and women in a black coat.
The received letters sent from the country miles miles away 2 months ago. Secret governor of the world.
Restaurant who brings hot turkey-hen.
Gas lights along the alley of 11 pm...so on.

World of strong impressions which some time can be even dangerous to be involved in.

And the thing is that just the being old give a proofs of the good music?
And most of musicians in 19th century were, for example better than contemporary player?

Hang on, maybe I'm not knowing the different side of the things.Or I just don't know where the good musics are, or am I too frigidity?

Let's rather just share the questions than to solve or judge the world around us.

I mean,I want us to be nicer than then even if it's hard to grasp what the being nice means in world of nowadays.

BTW [And I know no one can sing the blues like Blind Willie McTell] is one lyric of Bob Dylan's song.
The lyric is very cool.


"Les invites attendant la noce" by Jean-François Raffaëlli (1860-1924,Paris)
