

でもずっと旅行なんてできるわけもないので、その後継続してブラックホールに吸い込まれずに予期不安を乗り越えるにはとにかく先に予定をつめまくることと適度な運動 今のところそれ以外方法が見当たりません
これだけ書くと言葉足りずで無責任 予定っていうのは本当に自分がしたいことで兼将来の自分のためになることに限る
目的を忘れてただただ自分がしたいだけのことをすると本当に集中が途切れる(ダレる) たまには良いかと思ってたけどお酒と同じで依存性がやばいので本当に辞めるときはきっぱりやめた方がいいと思った



I returned to Australia.
If you only look at your future self and act without losing focus, you won't have many problems, but there are times when you think about things that are completely unrelated to your life and can't concentrate on things that you absolutely have to do.
When that happens, go somewhere far away and switch turn changing.
But you can't travel all the time, so in order to continue and get through it without getting sucked into a black hole, it's best to just fill your schedule with things in advance and do moderate exercise. I can't see any other way at the moment.
Plans should only be things that you really want to do and that will benefit your future self.
It's better not to make plans that don't meet these two criteria.
If you forget your purpose and just do what you want to do, you'll really lose focus (get bored). I thought it was okay to do it once in a while, but like alcohol, it's addictive, so I thought it would be better to quit completely when you really want to quit.
If you do something that you know will benefit your future but that you don't want to do, you'll lose your motivation to do it. (You'll lose the motivation to try again)
It's difficult to judge, but if you do it consciously every time, you should be able to judge it in a second and quit halfway through.

1・Plan a lot for the near future (things you really want to do and that will benefit you in the future)
2・Exercise moderately
