Diary 2024/05/28

Last week, I am too busy to write diary.

I am writing this diary 5:30 am. To speak the truth, This is not the time for this. I schedule to go to Shizuoka to trip from 5/28 (today!) from 5/31. However, I cannot sleep last night. I would like to say It is a blessing in disguise that there is no way to be late, but I often am late in same case showing ADHD. I will attend involving same case.

Last week, I am too busy to write diary.をLast week, I was too busy to write in my diary.に修正.中1の内容ができてない...
・I am writing this diary 5:30 am.で,時刻の前にはat 基本中の基本
・To speak the truthよりTo tell the truthのほうが自然.
・I schedule to go to Shizuoka to tripをI am scheduled to go on a trip to Shizuokaに変更.受け身にする.to tripよりto go on a tripのほうが自然.
・However, I cannot sleep last nightは過去形なのでcould not また時制
・「involving same caseよりdespite similar situationsのほうが意味が通じる

All revised diary
Last week, I was too busy to write in my diary.

I am writing this diary at 5:30 am. To tell the truth, this is not the time for this. I am scheduled to go on a trip to Shizuoka from 5/28 (today!) to 5/31. However, I couldn't sleep last night. I would like to say it is a blessing in disguise that I can't be late, but I am often late in similar situations due to my ADHD. I will attend despite similar situations.

