Diary 2024/05/16

Today is Thursday. There is an English class that lasts for two and a half hours every Thursday. To make matters worse, this class is group work!
I mentioned it before, I am ASD so I am not good at communicate unknown people.  Honestly, this class is painful for me. It is also painful that I cannot understand what a teacher says because the teacher who is in charge of this class is native of English.
If this class was Japanese, I might understand contents of this class more deeply… Well, It is simply that the cause of the reason why I cannot always understand what a teacher says is my English skill is very low.

・I am ASDをI have ASDに置き換え(当然すぎる...)
・so I am not good at communicate unknown people.をso I find it difficult to communicate with people I don't know.と修正.communicate with people I don't know」は「知らない人とコミュニケーションを取る」ことをより明確にする.
・I can't always understandとalwaysを入れる.
・native of EnglishよりもEnglish native speakerのほうが自然.
・If this class was Japaneseで,wasをwereに(基本的すぎる)
・I might understand contentsで,contentと単数形を使うのが普通
・最後の文はWell, it's simply because my English skills are very low that I can't always understand what the teacher says.とするとより自然.



