


C version:C90

// PIC18F23K22 Configuration Bit Settings

// 'C' source line config statements

// CONFIG1H #pragma  config FOSC = INTIO67   // Oscillator Selection bits (Internal oscillator block) #pragma  config PLLCFG = OFF     // 4X PLL Enable (Oscillator used directly) #pragma  config PRICLKEN = ON    // Primary clock enable bit (Primary clock enabled) #pragma  config FCMEN = OFF      // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable bit (Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled) #pragma  config IESO = OFF       // Internal/External Oscillator Switchover bit (Oscillator Switchover mode disabled)

// CONFIG2L #pragma  config PWRTEN = ON      // Power-up Timer Enable bit (Power up timer enabled) #pragma  config BOREN = SBORDIS  // Brown-out Reset Enable bits (Brown-out Reset enabled in hardware only (SBOREN is disabled)) #pragma  config BORV = 190       // Brown Out Reset Voltage bits (VBOR set to 1.90 V nominal)

// CONFIG2H #pragma  config WDTEN = OFF      // Watchdog Timer Enable bits (Watch dog timer is always disabled. SWDTEN has no effect.) #pragma  config WDTPS = 32768    // Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits (1:32768)

// CONFIG3H #pragma  config CCP2MX = PORTC1  // CCP2 MUX bit (CCP2 input/output is multiplexed with RC1) #pragma  config PBADEN = ON      // PORTB A/D Enable bit (PORTB<5:0> pins are configured as analog input channels on Reset) #pragma  config CCP3MX = PORTB5  // P3A/CCP3 Mux bit (P3A/CCP3 input/output is multiplexed with RB5) #pragma  config HFOFST = OFF     // HFINTOSC Fast Start-up (HFINTOSC output and ready status are delayed by the oscillator stable status) #pragma  config T3CMX = PORTC0   // Timer3 Clock input mux bit (T3CKI is on RC0) #pragma  config P2BMX = PORTC0   // ECCP2 B output mux bit (P2B is on RB5) #pragma  config MCLRE = INTMCLR  // MCLR Pin Enable bit (RE3 input pin enabled; MCLR disabled)

// CONFIG4L #pragma  config STVREN = ON      // Stack Full/Underflow Reset Enable bit (Stack full/underflow will cause Reset) #pragma  config LVP = ON         // Single-Supply ICSP Enable bit (Single-Supply ICSP enabled if MCLRE is also 1) #pragma  config XINST = OFF      // Extended Instruction Set Enable bit (Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode))

// CONFIG5L #pragma  config CP0 = OFF        // Code Protection Block 0 (Block 0 (000200-000FFFh) not code-protected) #pragma  config CP1 = OFF        // Code Protection Block 1 (Block 1 (001000-001FFFh) not code-protected)

// CONFIG5H #pragma  config CPB = OFF        // Boot Block Code Protection bit (Boot block (000000-0001FFh) not code-protected) #pragma  config CPD = OFF        // Data EEPROM Code Protection bit (Data EEPROM not code-protected)

// CONFIG6L #pragma  config WRT0 = OFF       // Write Protection Block 0 (Block 0 (000200-000FFFh) not write-protected) #pragma  config WRT1 = OFF       // Write Protection Block 1 (Block 1 (001000-001FFFh) not write-protected)

// CONFIG6H #pragma  config WRTC = OFF       // Configuration Register Write Protection bit (Configuration registers (300000-3000FFh) not write-protected) #pragma  config WRTB = OFF       // Boot Block Write Protection bit (Boot Block (000000-0001FFh) not write-protected) #pragma  config WRTD = OFF       // Data EEPROM Write Protection bit (Data EEPROM not write-protected)

// CONFIG7L #pragma  config EBTR0 = OFF      // Table Read Protection Block 0 (Block 0 (000200-000FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks) #pragma  config EBTR1 = OFF      // Table Read Protection Block 1 (Block 1 (001000-001FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks)

// CONFIG7H #pragma  config EBTRB = OFF      // Boot Block Table Read Protection bit (Boot Block (000000-0001FFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks)

// #pragma  config statements should precede project file includes.
// Use project enums instead of #define  for ON and OFF.
 #include  <xc.h> #include  <stdio.h> #include  <stdint.h> #include  <string.h>
 #define  _XTAL_FREQ 64000000 #define  DATA_SIZE (5) #define  I2C_ACK  0x00 #define  I2C_NACK 0xff #define 	ADRESS_PCA9685	0x80		// PCA9685 のデバイスアドレス
//#define SERVO_PULSE_MIN (500) #define  SERVO_PULSE_MIN (1300)
//#define SERVO_PULSE_MAX (2400) #define  SERVO_PULSE_MAX (1600)

int ReadCount;
int ReadFlag;
signed char ReadData[DATA_SIZE];
signed char SetData[DATA_SIZE];
signed char MoterSpeed;
int pulse_ratio = (SERVO_PULSE_MAX - SERVO_PULSE_MIN)/256;

void __interrupt () Interrupt();
void PICSetup();
void CCPSetup();
void InterruptSetup();
void SerialSetup();
void TimerSetup();
void I2C_setup();
void SerialWrite1(char,char,char);
void i2c_1_start();
void i2c_1_stop();
void i2c_1_write(uint8_t);
uint8_t i2c_1_CheckAck();
void write_PCA16(uint8_t,uint8_t,uint16_t);
void write_PCA8(uint8_t,uint8_t,uint8_t);
void init_servo();
void pos_servo(int,unsigned long);
void Moter();

int main(){
       MoterSpeed = SetData[0];
       pos_servo( 0,(unsigned long)((((int)SetData[1]*pulse_ratio)*(-1)) + ((SERVO_PULSE_MIN + SERVO_PULSE_MAX)/2)));
//        __delay_ms(100);


void PICSetup(){
   OSCCON = 0b01110000;    //16MHz????????
   OSCTUNEbits.PLLEN = 1;  //???????PLL?4?? 64MHz

   ANSELA = 0b00000000;
   ANSELB = 0b00000000;
   ANSELC = 0b00000000;
   TRISA  = 0b00000000;
   TRISB  = 0b00000000;
   TRISC  = 0b10011000;
   LATA   = 0b00000000;
   LATB   = 0b00000000;
   LATC   = 0b00000000;

void CCPSetup(){
   CCPTMRS0 = 0b00000000;  //CCP2 -> timer2
   CCP2CON  = 0b00001100;  //PWM MODE
   T2CON    = 0b00000010;  //TMR2?????? 1/16
   TMR2     = 0;           //TMR2COUNTER ???
   CCPR2L   = 0;           //??????? ???
   CCPR2H   = 0;
   PR2      = 249;         //4000hz
   TMR2ON    = 1;           //TMR2 START

void InterruptSetup(){
   T0IF = 0;                 //タイマー0フラグ初期化
   RC1IF = 0;                  //uart1フラグ初期化
   SSP1IF = 0;                 //SSPフラグ初期化
   BCL1IF = 0;                 //MSSPバス衝突フラグ初期化

   GIE = 1;                    //割り込み許可
   PEIE = 1;                   //周辺機器の割り込み許可 
   RC1IE = 1;                  //受信割り込み許可
   T0IE = 1;                   //タイマー0割り込み許可
//    SSP1IE = 1;                 //SSP割り込み許可
//    BCL1IE = 1;                 //MSSPバス衝突割り込み許可


void SerialSetup(){
   TXSTA1   = 0b00100100;
   RCSTA1   = 0b10010000;
   BAUDCON1 = 0b00001000;
   SPBRG1   = 0b10001010;      //34 115200
   SPBRGH1  = 0b00000000;
   CREN1    = 1;   

void TimerSetup(){
   T0CON = 0b10000111;         //タイマー0有効 16μsで1カウント
   TMR0 = 53036;                   //タイマー0レジスタの初期化 200msで割り込み

void I2C_setup(){
   SSP1STAT = 0b10000000;
   SSP1CON1 = 0b00101000;
   SSP1CON3 = 0b00000000;
   SSP1ADD  = 159;

void __interrupt () Interrupt(){
   GIE = 0;
       TMR0 = 53036;
       T0IF = 0;
   if( FERR1 || OERR1 ){
	CREN1   =   0;
	CREN1   =   1;
       ReadData[ReadCount] = RCREG1;
       if(ReadData[ReadCount] == 127){
           if(ReadCount == 4){
               ReadFlag = 1;
           ReadCount = 0;
       }else if(ReadCount >= 4){
           ReadCount = 0;
       RC1IF = 0; 
   GIE = 1;

void SerialWrite1(char data0,char data1,char data2){
   char WriteData1[3]; 
   WriteData1[0] = data0;
   WriteData1[1] = data1;
   WriteData1[2] = data2;
   int i;
   for (i = 0;i <= 2;i++){         //data0からdata4まで順番に送信
       while(TX1IF == 0);          //送信可能になるまで待つ
       TXREG1 = WriteData1[i];      //iバイト目を送信

void i2c_1_start() {
   // SSP1CON2レジスタのSENビットを1に設定すると
   // スタートコンディションが生成される
   // 発行が完了するとSSP1IFが1になるのでwhile文で待つ
   SSP1IF = 0;
   SSP1CON2bits.SEN = 1;
   while (SSP1IF == 0) {}
   SSP1IF = 0;

void i2c_1_stop() {

   // SSP1CON2レジスタのPENビットを1に設定すると
   // ストップコンディションが生成される
   // 発行が完了するとSSP1IFが1になるのでwhile文で待つ
   SSP1IF = 0;
   SSP1CON2bits.PEN = 1;
   while (SSP1IF == 0) {}
   SSP1IF = 0;


void i2c_1_write(uint8_t data) {

   // SSP1BUFに送信したいデータをセットすると、そのデータが送信される
   // 発行が完了するとSSP1IFが1になるのでwhile文で待つ
   SSP1IF = 0;
   SSP1BUF = data;
   while (SSP1IF == 0) {}
   SSP1IF = 0;

uint8_t i2c_1_CheckAck() {
   uint8_t ackStatus;

   if (SSP1CON2bits.ACKSTAT) {
       ackStatus = I2C_NACK;
   } else {
       ackStatus = I2C_ACK;

   return ackStatus;

void write_PCA16(uint8_t lowad,uint8_t reg,uint16_t data){
   i2c_1_write( ADRESS_PCA9685 + ( lowad << 1 ) );	// I2Cアドレス
   i2c_1_write( reg );			// レジスタNo.
   i2c_1_write( data & 0x00FF );	// 下位データ
   i2c_1_write( data >> 8 );		// 上位データ

// I2Cデバイスへの8bitデータの書き込み
void write_PCA8(uint8_t lowad,uint8_t reg,uint8_t data ){
   i2c_1_write( ADRESS_PCA9685 + ( lowad << 1 ) );	// I2Cアドレス
   i2c_1_write( reg );			// レジスタNo.
   i2c_1_write( data );			// データ

void init_servo(){
	int i,j;
	// いったんスタンバイにする(プリスケーラ設定のため)
	write_PCA8( 0, 0, 0x31 );
	// プリスケーラ設定。分解能4us、周期20ms(周波数50Hz)!!デバイスごとに調整!!
	write_PCA8( 0, 0xFE, 121 );
	// MODE1設定 レジスタインクリメント、All-Call有効、アクティブ
	write_PCA8( 0, 0, 0x21 );
	// MODE2設定 トーテムポール出力設定
	write_PCA8( 0, 1, 0x04 );
   // パルス初期値書き込み(1500us)
   j = 0x06;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ ) {
		write_PCA16( 0, j, 0 );		// パルススタート
		j += 2;
		write_PCA16( 0, j, 375 );	// パルスエンド
		j += 2;

// サーボセット(サーボ位置をパルス幅で渡す)
void pos_servo(int id,unsigned long pos){
   int i;
   i = 8 + id * 4 ;
   write_PCA16( 0, i, pos / 4 );

void Moter(){
   if(MoterSpeed > 0){
       PSTR2CON = 0b00000001;
       CCPR2L   = MoterSpeed*2;
   if(MoterSpeed == 0){
       PSTR2CON = 0b00000000;
       CCPR2L   = 0;
   if(MoterSpeed < 0){
       PSTR2CON = 0b00000010;
       CCPR2L   = MoterSpeed*(-2);
