

A Halloween Night to Remember

It was October 31st, and the sky was already growing dark as Alex and Ben walked home from school.

"This Halloween is going to be so boring," Alex sighed, kicking a pebble along the sidewalk.

"Yeah, no parties, no trick-or-treating, just another ordinary night," Ben agreed, adjusting his backpack.

They had outgrown trick-or-treating a few years ago, but neither of them was quite ready for the big Halloween parties.

"Maybe we should just watch a horror movie or something," Ben suggested.

"Yeah, but the real question is: whose house?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow.

Ben shrugged. "My place is out. My sister’s having her friends over for some dumb costume thing."

"Then it’s my place. No one’s home tonight," Alex said, his tone brightening a little.

As they reached Alex's house, the streets were already filled with kids in costumes, running from house to house.

"Look at them," Ben said, watching a group of vampires and witches giggle as they collected candy.

"Do you miss it? Going door to door like that?" Alex asked.

"Sometimes," Ben admitted, a small smile tugging at his lips.

Inside Alex's house, they threw their bags on the floor and headed to the living room.

"Let’s pick the scariest movie we can find," Alex said, flipping through the streaming options.

After a few minutes of debate, they settled on a classic slasher film.

Halfway through the movie, the doorbell rang.

"Trick-or-treaters?" Ben guessed, pausing the movie.

"I doubt it. We didn’t buy any candy," Alex replied, walking towards the door.

When Alex opened the door, no one was there—just an empty street under the pale moonlight.

"That’s weird," Alex muttered, stepping outside to look around.

Ben joined him, scanning the street. "Maybe it was just a prank."

As they turned to go back inside, the door slammed shut behind them.

"What the—" Ben started, but his words were cut off by a loud creaking sound from inside the house.

Alex and Ben exchanged glances, both feeling a chill run down their spines.

"Maybe this Halloween won’t be so boring after all," Alex whispered, his voice shaking slightly.

Ben nodded, his eyes wide as they both stepped cautiously back into the house.
