
【ポケカで英語上達!】2回シティ予選全勝のBaby Blownsって知ってる?

🇬🇧“Fireball Circus ! 300 damage, and with Beast Bringer that’s four prizes!”

- アントワヌ、英語版担当 (@Toinelay)
- りょーた、日本語版担当 (@shirasefukiko)

🇬🇧Today’s article will be about the Baby Blacephalon (小ズガドーン) deck with which we managed to both go undefeated in our City League qualifiers!
The deck was originally Ryota’s idea, but with Antoine helping to bring out Baby Blowns’ (小ズガ) strengths, and with advice from Yugurena who had previously made it through Season 2’s City League qualifiers with a similar concept, we ended up with a little wonder of a deck! 

🇬🇧Here’s how our City Leagues went :
・Antoine went 5-0 in the qualifiers in Kani, for a Top 8 finish
・Ryota also went 5-0 in the qualifiers in Nagakute, Top 16
・アントワヌ (可児)予選5-0 ベスト8
・りょーた (長久手) 予選5-0 ベスト16

🇬🇧And what’s more, during these City Leagues we managed to:
・Take all 6 prizes in close games against Mill Decks, our natural enemy – all thanks to a certain tech!
・Win against a deck playing Alolan Persian GX, thanks to you-know-who (or do you?)
・Have explosive starts to end some games in a single turn
… all feats that illustrate pretty well this decklist's potential!


Baby Blowns?!
ちなみに、英語で「ズガドーン」って「Blacephalon」っと言いますが、何故海外でデッキ名の「コズガ」が「Baby Blowns」になってるかご存知ですか?それはね、
to blow up = 爆発する
clown = ピエロ
なので「Baby Blowns」。爆発するピエロの赤ちゃん。可愛い!💥👶🤡

🇬🇧Because we want this article to be easy to understand even for beginners, we’ll sometimes explain some basic elements. Nevertheless, even veteran players might find some useful new ideas and tricks, so we definitely recommend giving this article a read!
And if you find yourself thinking “I know all of this already!”, how about skipping the Japanese parts and try reading only the English for a little challenge?

In this article we’ll cover :

● Decklist and cards explanation
● How to play the deck: basic playstyle, useful tricks, common mistakes
● Matchups with the main Meta Decks

Decklist and cards explanation

🇬🇧Here's the list we used (we're keeping part of it hidden, but look forward to the full reveal in the premium section!)



Jirachi ×4  ジラーチ
🇬🇧The ability Stellar Wish combines perfectly with fire decks : being able to first thin your deck out with Fiery Flint, and also helping you access your Welders. You definitely want to start with this card, and you’ll use at least 2 per game, so we went with a 4-of. You usually want to have 2 in play at any time, but you do need to watch out for Ultra Nekrozma GX’s Sky-Scorching Light GX, as well as the Psychic Blacephalon’s Depth Bomb when you have 3 prizes left ; as both could cost you 2 prizes in one turn.


Blacephalon ×3  ズガドーン
🇬🇧Its second attack, Fireball Circus, lets you deal 50 damage for each fire energy you discard from your hand – that’s no small deal. One might even wonder if that’s really the kind of power you’re supposed to find in an Uncommon card (it is a Rare in the English version, though).
I used to play 4, but experience playing the deck led me to the current 3-of. Blacephalon’s strength, for better or for worse, relies on Welder. As such, you’d like to avoid starting with Blacephalon as much as possible. Plus, while most Baby Blowns decks play 3 Jirachi and 4 Blacephalon, by switching the counts we aimed to improve the deck’s first-turn potential.
And as we play Ordinary Rod, it’s like we’re actually playing 5 Blacephalon.
🇯🇵下技「ひのたまサーカス」は、手札から基本炎エネルギーをトラッシュした数×50ダメージ 弱いわけがない。なんでUCカードなのかわからない位の強さです。


Phione ×1  フィオネ
🇬🇧Now we’re getting into the one-of Pokémon. This card’s strength is pretty explicit once you try using it. Its main use is, simply put, to prevent your opponent from stalling by putting in the active position something they don’t mind having knocked out. By using Phione’s Whirlpool Suction Ability, you can indeed force your opponent to bring out one of their benched Pokémon; so of course, the best time to use this ability is when they have nothing but important Pokémon on the bench.
🇬🇧You might also want to use it when you’re not able to KO their active Tag Team, but have enough energy to KO anything else on their bench – thus keeping the pressure on your opponent. Please be mindful that you can’t use Phione’s ability if the opponent’s active Pokémon has a Stealthy Hood attached.


Absol ×1  アブソル
🇬🇧It’s our tech for the mirror match! We love having it on our side, and hate seeing it on the other side of the field. Its Dark Ambition ability is ridiculously strong, increasing your opponent’s basic Pokémon’s retreat cost by one. In the mirror match, by preventing your opponent from retreating their Jirachi with just an Escape Board, you force them to have a Switch to keep moving. 
🇬🇧Keep in mind that this ability only works on Basic Pokémon, so something like a Malamar with an Air Balloon would still be able to retreat just fine. 

🇬🇧We’ll now be getting into the premium part of the article, where we’ll get into the detail of every card in the list – including cards you might not be used to seeing in your usual Baby Blowns deck, but which play a role in making this version the strongest in our opinion.
🇬🇧How did we manage to make the deck so consistent? How do we create a small win condition against Mill? If you’d like to know the answer to these questions and much more, make sure to keep reading!
The rest of this article will obviously continue to feature both English and Japanese, so if you would like some more English with your Pokémon, be our guest!


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