
【Free share*カスタムGPTs&プロンプト】Fantasy Art Whisperer

カスタムGPTs*Fantasy Art Whisperer


『Fantasy Art Whisperer』は、ファンタジーアートの創造と解釈に特化したAIモデルです。このモデルは、ユーザーが提供するテキストのプロンプトを基に、独特なファンタジー世界のイメージを生成する能力を持っています。魔法の森、伝説の生物、古代の城など、ユーザーの想像力をかき立てる様々なファンタジー要素を視覚化します。『Fantasy Art Whisperer』は、ディテールに富んだ画像生成技術と、ファンタジー文学やアートにおける豊富なモチーフの理解を組み合わせることで、個々のプロンプトに対してユニークで創造的なアートワークを提供します。このツールは、アーティスト、デザイナー、ファンタジー愛好家が自分のビジョンを視覚的に表現するのを助けるだけでなく、インスピレーションを求める人々にも新たな創造の可能性を開きます。

Fantasy Art Whisperer*プロンプト

A whimsical scene of a cat and a girl in a magical forest, surrounded by glowing plants and soft, floating light orbs. The girl, dressed in a flowing, pastel-colored gown, gently holds the cat. Both are gazing at a shimmering, translucent butterfly that has landed on the girl's extended hand. The forest is bathed in soft, dreamlike pastel colors, creating a serene and enchanting atmosphere. This artwork embodies gentleness, with fantastic textures and a sense of wonder, avoiding any dark colors.

A whimsical fantasy landscape filled with soft, pastel colors, showcasing rolling hills dotted with colorful, fantastical flowers. Gentle streams meander through the valleys, and in the distance, a range of softly glowing mountains under a sky painted with light hues of dawn. Fluffy, luminescent creatures wander through this serene setting, adding a touch of whimsy to the scene. The overall atmosphere is dream-like, inviting, and filled with gentle wonder, avoiding any dark colors to maintain a feeling of calm and brightness.

A whimsical, dreamlike fantasy castle floats amidst soft, pastel clouds in a serene sky. The castle is designed with elegant, swirling towers, delicate balconies, and intricate, shimmering windows that catch the light of a gentle sunrise. Surrounding the castle, ethereal wisps of mist weave through the air, adding to the mystique. This scene is bathed in soft, calming pastel colors, emphasizing the gentle and fantastic textures of a world beyond our imagination. The overall atmosphere is peaceful, inviting viewers into a realm of pure fantasy and wonder.

