日曜のフィーカ 2023/09/03 参考文献

Tyas MJ et al: Minimal Intervention dentistry - a review,FDI Commission Project 1-97; International Dental Journal 50,1-12,2000

FDI STATEMENT:Minimal Intervention in the Management of Dental Caries ; Adopted by the FDI General Assembly: 1 October 2002 - Vienna

Minimum Intervention:すべての人々のQOLの向上のために:MI21.net

Dan Ericson. What is Minimally Invasive Dentistry?
Oral Health & Preventive Dentisty 3/2004, S. 287-292

西 真紀子ほか. 21世紀型日本の歯科医療モデル. 21世紀型歯科医療とMinimum Intervention
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