日曜のフィーカ 2023/09/10 参考文献

Nishi M, Adachi N, Nakagawa T, Shinada K, Birkhed D. Processed starch snack products (PSSPs) and dental caries: a narrative review. The Journal of Japan Society for Dental Hygiene. 2023.

Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association. A Comprehensive Guide to Japanese SaKe. https://www.nrib.go.jp/English/sake/pdf/guidesse01.pdf

Hujoel PP, Hujoel MLA, Kotsakis GA. Personal oral hygiene and dental caries: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Gerodontology. 2018 Dec;35(4):282-289. doi: 10.1111/ger.12331. Epub 2018 May 15. PMID: 29766564.

World Health Organisation: Protecting children from the harmful impact of food marketing: policy brief 2022 https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/354606/9789240051348-eng.pdf

一般社団法人日本口腔衛生学会. 乳幼児期における親との食器共有について.

西 真紀子. 海外の一般家庭では齲蝕原生菌の母子感染はどのくらい知られている?
