
Sending prayers from Japan to Ukraine: #SunflowerFromJapan Project

My name is Arisa Yamazaki and I am a senior at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, majoring in conflict resolution. I had the wonderful opportunity of studying abroad at Kyiv National University in Ukraine from August 2019 to July 2020.

I am encouraging you to join me in sending prayers from Japan to Ukraine by participating in the #SunflowerFromJapan Project.

Since hearing the news about the military invasion of Russia last February 24th, I have been anxious about the safety of my host family, friends, and teachers who supported me during my year abroad in Ukraine. I have been in constant contact with them since.

As of February 27th, my host mother remains in their family apartment in Kyiv.


English translation: Arisa, I could have gone to a (countryside) villa with my kids and grandchildren, but I still don't want to leave the apartment.

The COVID-19 outbreak began while I was studying in Kyiv. My host mother was criticized by her neighbors because she was living with an Asian like me. Loving and unaffected by their comments, she took care of me like a real daughter for about a year.

It is heartbreaking that I cannot do the same for her now.


Picture: Sushi party with my host family

With the current situation, Tobitate, the MEXT study abroad campaign that financially supported my studies during my year in Kyiv, gave me a chance to discuss what I think we can do for Ukraine.

On February 28th, Anna, a Ukrainian currently studying in a Japanese university, courageously joined us in the second meeting.

She said, "It is encouraging for Ukrainians to get support from Japan, even though Japan is geographically far from Ukraine. Indifference is what is scary."

So, I decided to send prayers from Japan. No matter how far apart we may be, we can still pray for Ukraine and make them feel our support.

To join us in sending prayers, I would like to ask you to participate in the #SunflowerFromJapan Project, through 3 easy steps:

① Draw a picture of a sunflower and post it on your social media page (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.);

② Use the following hashtags: #PrayForUkraine #SunflowerFromJapan ;

③ Like and share Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter posts regarding the project.

【🇺🇦日本からウクライナへ祈りを届ける~ #SunflowerFromJapan プロジェクト...

Posted by Arisa Yamazaki on Monday, February 28, 2022


Example of posts

The sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine, with sunflower fields or Соняшниковi поля in full bloom all around the country from late June to early July.

With the aim of expressing that “many people from Japan are praying for peace in Ukraine”, we chose the two hashtags, #PrayForUkraine , which is currently the most posted hashtag for Ukraine all around the world, and #SunflowerFromJapan as an original hashtag from Japan.

I strongly believe that your voice will reach many Ukrainians through social media, and they will feel your warm support and genuine prayers during this difficult time.

Anna said, “Ukrainians will definitely be glad to see sunflowers drawn with prayers for Ukraine in mind.”

Help us deliver our prayers for the peace and safety of Ukrainians, all over Japan.

Every single post is appreciated. Please join us in standing with Ukraine.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Edit as of March 7th, 22:06

We have received an overwhelming response to this project and are endlessly grateful for your cooperation in helping us send prayers to Ukraine!

The #SunflowerFromJapan Project was featured on national live broadcasts from NHK and NTV (News zero) on March 3rd (Thursday), and more than 3000 pictures of sunflowers were posted on various social media platforms as of March 6th (Sunday). On top of this, the #SunflowerFromJapan Project has also been introduced by other media platforms.

We are also so glad to hear that many students in elementary, junior high, and high schools all over Japan have contributed by drawing their own pictures of sunflowers.

It would be much appreciated if you could give us your ideas so that we can keep sending prayers from Japan to Ukraine. Please contact us on the #SunflowerFromJapan Project's Official Twitter and Official Instagram pages.

Broadcast from Metropolitan area network: here
Broadcast from News zero: #SunflowerFromJapan Project was introduced from 1:55.

(* 1: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook)
