
Stop Your Baby From Falling Asleep While Breastfeeding

A sleeping baby is a godsend and an incredibly welcoming sight if they've been yelling and screaming. Staring into that peaceful face is a heavenly, incomparable feeling. However, if you've noticed that your baby frequently falls asleep while breastfeeding, you need To Pay Close Attention.

If Your Baby Is Falling Asleep Without Completing A Feed, It Can Be A Cause For Concern. For This Reason, Your Baby May Not Be Gaining The Appropriate Weight. However, If You Notice That Your Baby Is Full When They fall asleep, then there's no cause for concern. Here's how you can find out if your baby is full:

i) You can hear your baby swallowing
ii) They were wide awake before breastfeeding
iii) Your breast feels light after nursing
iv) Your baby's hands are open and relaxed

However, if you notice that your baby has slept off with a closed fist and a tense look, it could mean that they got tired of sucking and are still hungry. Keeping your baby awake so that they complete their full feed is also beneficial to both After all, they will sleep peacefully and let you do the same.
To know if your baby is still hungry, you need to watch out for these signs:

i) Low-pitched cries that rise and fall
ii) Sucking on their fist
iii) Restlessness while sleeping results in shorter naps and more frequent cries
iv) Continued action of sucking even after your breast or the bottle is empty.

To be able to stop your baby from falling asleep and completing their full feed instead, you need to set a schedule. Feed your baby at the start of the day, then after naps. This way, they are less likely to fall asleep in the middle of a feed. If all else fails, here are some additional tips that will help:

i) Switch breasts after short intervals
ii) Compress your breast to make your milk flow faster
iii) Burp your baby while they are sitting in an upright position
iv) Tickle your baby a bit while breastfeeding to keep them awake
v) Keep their feet uncovered
vi) Play some music in the background to keep them engaged.

If your baby is tired, they will likely fall asleep, and there's nothing you can do about it. However, you only need to ensure that their sleep is not affecting their milk intake. Keep them active as much as you can, and they will . Be Fine

Author Bio: Prapti Chauhan Is A Professor Of Genetics In Bangalore She Has Contributed To Several Online Research Papers However, She Passionately Develops Content On Pregnancy, Childbirth, Childcare, Benefits Of Cord Blood Banking, And Umbilical Cord Lining, And more.
