
Motherhood Might Become A Little Tough After The First Month

If you’ve had a difficult pregnancy, you must have thought that everything would be easy and fine once the baby pops out. Perhaps you couldn’t just wait to come out with the watermelon waddling between your legs and have a glass of wine.

But that is far from the truth. As, after the first month of the baby birth, many first-time mums find life to be tougher than even during the pregnancy-days.

Read this short piece of article to find out:

The Baby’s Sleep-schedule

Basically, in the first month of your baby’s life, your baby will need a lot of sleep. And while the baby sleeps, it is going to be easy for you to get things done around the house. But, as your little bundle of joy achieves his or her milestones and starts growing up, the sleep-pattern in your baby also seems to change. Therefore, as a mother, you need to give your baby a structured sleep schedule with a better environment. This also further indicates that you’re working around your baby’s schedule and not the other way round.

Not Much Help

Right after the delivery, you may not have much liked the idea of getting the help of your mother or your mother-in-law for you and your baby. However, you realised the need for their assistance after they must have left. Without any help, the full responsibility of baby care falling upon you might feel overwhelming. However, it’s not wrong to ask for help. Just try to make a list of things you need support with and then reach out to relatives and friends.

 A Bit Of An Emotional Rollercoaster

As you continue to adjust to your postpartum life, you might feel like you’re on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, just like you had experienced during your pregnancy days. In fact the symptoms of pregnancy mood swings, depression and anxiety disorders go up to childbirth, even after one year of the childbirth.

Going To Back To Work

Whether you’re part-time or full-time, leaving your child in someone else’s care, will add on to your already anxious mind. But, since your maternity leave is coming to an end and you need to go back to work soon, doing some logistic changes might help. In fact, having a set schedule with a list to-do’s like when to pack your baby’s daycare bag or when to pump breast milk might keep you sane.

Becoming a mother is after all an enormous life change that takes time to adjust. Well! If you know you’re doing your best, that’s what matters.

Also, while you’re adjusting to your new life, log in to the blog page of Cordlife India to get an idea on pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, baby care, and of course cord blood banking.
