
How is the Cord Blood Stored? How is Cord Blood Banking Beneficial?

The umbilical cord blood left behind in the cord and placenta, after a baby's birth, earlier used to be treated as a medical waste. However, research has shown that, the cord blood contains haematopoietic (blood-forming) stem cells that can develop into red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

This helps in treating over 80 life-threatening diseases – blood-related diseases (like cancer, sickle cell anaemia, thalassemia, etc), genetic diseases, and immunological disorders. Knowing this power of cord blood stem cells, many expecting parents are including cord blood banking in their birth plan at the fag end of pregnant. In fact, parents-to-be get the chance to choose from public and private cord blood banks.

While saving the baby's stem cell in public cord blood bank, the bank doesn't charge anything and uses the stem cell for research purpose as well as for helping others, storing the baby's stem cells privately, the parents will enjoy exclusive ownership of the cord blood stem cells at a nominal cost. Not just that! When finally, the cord blood banks, bank the stem cells, they tend to properly preserve the stem cells in frozen state (-190 Degrees in liquid nitrogen) anywhere between 21 and 75 years of a baby's life.

That means that the baby or his or her family can use the stem cells for treatment even after two decades. Private cord blood banks like Cordlife India, which is Asia's largest private cord blood banks, aims to give 360 ​​– degree protection to the baby and the baby's entire family and takes the entire responsibility from the collection to cryopreservation of the baby's stem cells. Once the decision of cord blood banking is taken, future parents can reap the benefits for the rest of their lives:

1. Collection of cord blood at the time time of childbirth is less complicated, painful and risky.

2. Cordlife India ensures preserving the baby stem cells using the most advanced technology, with the possibility of no manual in accuracy.

Above all, if the stem cells are stored properly, the stem cells can be used for future regenerative purposes.
