
Tips to Remove Excess Hair From Your Baby’s Body

Like every part of the body, the hair that grows on a baby's body also has a purpose. It is to shield the baby from exposure to amniotic fluid in the mother's womb, provide warmth, facilitate the birthing process, and protect your baby's skin from infections.

You need not bother about the excessive hair on your baby's body as this hair naturally disappears by the time s / he is 4 months old. If your baby continues to have excess hair on their face, shoulders, back and arms even after 4 months, you can try these simple and natural ways to get rid of the unwanted hair:

A Good Old Oil Massage

Get your trusted aayah to give your baby a gentle oil massage with mustard oil or olive or almond oil. You can use any other oil barring Oil Coconut, Which Is Known To Aid Hair Growth.

Post Massage Care

Apply A Well-Ground Paste Of Lentils, Almonds And Milk On Your Baby'S Body After The Massage For Better Results.

Flour Power

Mix gram flour, organic turmeric powder and a little milk and roll this mixture into little balls. Rub these balls on your baby's body. It works like a charm. You may also use wheat flour instead of gram flour.

Go Herbal

Herbal bathing powders enriched with gram flour, turmeric, and organic herbs not only removes hair effectively but also makes your baby's skin soft and fragrant.

Milk and Bread:

Soak a slice of bread in milk till it completely crumbles and becomes pasty. Once it dries , Apply The Paste On Your Baby'S Body Parts With Excess Hair And See The Results For Yourself.

An All-Natural Exfoliating Scrub

You Can Make An Excellent Exfoliating Scrub For Your Baby By Grinding Raisins And Milk It Removes Hair And Makes Your Baby'S Skin glow.

In a matter of days, your baby will shed the excess hair. In the rare event that these tried and tested hair removal methods fail, have a doctor see your baby. The excess hair growth could be a sign of hormonal imbalance. Don't worry, as that can be treated too.

Author Bio: Prapti Chauhan is a professor of Genetics in Bangalore. She has contributed to several online research papers. However, she passionately develops content on pregnancy, childbirth, childcare and the baby's stem cell storage banking and umbilical cord lining, and more.
