harmoe・Moeka Koizumi Interview
To celebrate the second anniversary of PONYCANYON SHOP, we have published interviews with artists whose products are sold at the store. What was the moment when Moeka Koizumi of harmoe dream came true? Don't miss her next aspirations as an animal lover!
PONYCANYON SHOPのオープン2周年を記念して、当ショップで商品を取り扱うアーティストに海外にまつわるインタビューを刊行! harmoeの小泉萌香の夢が叶った瞬間とは?動物好きな彼女ならではな次なる願望も必見です!!
Q1. Of all the different countries you've been to, please tell us which was the most memorable, and your favorite memory of it.
When I went to Shanghai for work, I had the opportunity to visit Shanghai Disneyland in my free time! I love Tokyo Disneyland and have always wanted to visit all the overseas parks, so that trip was a dream come true for me!
Q2.What city in the United States would you most like to visit, and why?
Because I love animals, I’d love to visit aquariums and zoos overseas! I’ve heard that San Diego, California has one of the biggest zoos in the world, so I’d love to go there and spend the whole day watching animals!
Q3.Please tell us about your favorite souvenir that you bought in another country.
Nenjinan or Nin Jiom Herbal Cough Syrup is a must-have for anyone who works with their voice! I can buy it online now, but before it was available, I remember buying a whole bunch and cramming as much as I could into my carry-on whenever I visited China!
Q4 What sort of events would you like to participate in while in the overseas?
In our performance, we aim to create an atmosphere for the work and its themes to relate even to people overseas. I think even if we can’t communicate through our words, we can still connect through music, so I’d love to do a concert in the US!
Click here for harmoe products(harmoeの商品はこちら)↓