




The sagittal plane divides the body _______.

❎ vertically into front and back

⭕️ vertically into right and left

❎ diagonally

❎ horizontally


In Laban Movement Analysis, the space in which a dancer’s body is moving is called the _______.

❎ plane of movement

❎ ideokinesthetic space

⭕️ kinesphere

❎ stage


When a frappé is performed, the accent is typically on the _______.

❎ landing

❎ turn

⭕️ extension of the working leg

❎ contraction of the torso


In Laban’s theory of effort (sometimes called movement dynamics), which of the following qualities is not a dimension of effort?

❎ Weight (strong/light)

❎ Space (direct/indirect)

❎ Time (short/sustained)

⭕️ Direction (up/down)


Which of the following statements correctly describes syncopation?

⭕️ Rhythms that deviate from the normal succession of strong and weak beats

❎ Music with a 4/4 rhythm

❎ Music with a steady, monotonous beat

❎ Rhythms that have a strong Latin influence


Which of the following two muscles are used for flexion in dance?

❎ Adductor magnus, triceps brachii

❎ Biceps femoris, adductor magnus

❎ Biceps brachii, triceps brachii

⭕️ Biceps brachii, biceps femoris

