
Marital & Family Therapy理解度チェキ!(その1)





The term schism (referring to a family division into competing groups) was first introduced by:

❎ Milton Erickson

❎ Gregory Bateson

⭕️ Theodore Lidz

❎ Nathan Ackerman


The earliest model of brief therapy was established by:

⭕️ Milton Erickson

❎ Gregory Bateson

❎ Carl Whitaker

❎ Murray Bowen


The founding editor of the first journal in family therapy was:

❎ John Bell

❎ Virginia Satir

⭕️ Jay Haley

❎ Salvador Minuchin


The term mystification was introduced by:

❎ Rachel Hare-Mustin

❎ John Bell

❎ Virginia Satir

⭕️ R.D. Laing


The concept of a genogram was developed and popularized by:

❎ Carolyn Attneave and Peggy Papp

⭕️ Monica McGoldrick and Randy Gerson

❎ Cloe Madanes and Froma Walsh

❎ Peggy Penn and Betty Carter


The therapeutic modality known as narrative therapy was introduced by:

❎ Steve de Shazer and Insoo Berg

❎ Cloe Madanes and Froma Walsh

❎ Bill O’Hanlon and Carolyn Attneave

⭕️ Michael White David Epston


The therapeutic approach that is inclusive of all domains of a person’s life is best known as:

❎ Biopsychosocial

❎ Multimodal

❎ Eclectic

⭕️ Systemic


In the practice of modern family therapy, schools of therapy and theoretical orientations are becoming:

❎ More focused, narrow, and specialized

⭕️ More homogenous, collaborative, and inclusive

❎ More distinctive, disparate, and divided

❎ More polarized, contentious and exclusive

