
Some thoughts on the epidemic situation in Shanghai in the context of monkeypox in the United States and COVID-19 in the world

In the past two years, Shanghai has undertaken nearly 40% of the country's inbound flights and nearly 50% of inbound passengers. As an international metropolis, Shanghai bears great import pressure. Before the current round of the epidemic, Shanghai's precise prevention and control model has been performed good, and to avoid the bad situation of large-scale outbreaks. Therefore, Shanghai's precise prevention and control model is not useless. I also disapprove of devaluing Shanghai's precise prevention and control model to nothing because Shanghai's current round of epidemic prevention and control has not been done well. But at the same time, I also disapprove that some people have been immersed in the fixed thinking that Shanghai has done well in precise prevention and control. They cannot objectively recognize and admit that Shanghai has exposed many epidemic prevention and control problems in this round of epidemic, and cannot learn something from it. I think we must affirm that Shanghai's precise prevention and control is well done. Meanwhile  we also criticize those who do not do well. More importantly, no prevention and control model in the world is perfect, and there must be more or less various problems. The key for us is to constantly find problems, learn lesson from them, and constantly improve our prevention and control model. The most fundamental thing is that our ultimate goal is to control the epidemic and achieve dynamic clearing. At the same time, when we control the epidemic, we need to constantly find the best solution to minimize the impact on people's lives. This is the embodiment of our insistence on "people first, life first". Therefore, we have to continuously optimize the " Dynamic zero-COVID policy ". For example, when Shenzhen controlled the epidemic this time, it closed the city for 7 days and ended early, instead of 14 days as before. Therefore, while we insist on dynamic clearing, we also need to constantly explore and optimize, so as to minimize the impact on people's lives as much as possible under the premise of controlling the epidemic. But at the same time, this kind of exploration and optimization should not deviate from the major objective of controlling the epidemic.
