Mourning the lay of fagots

Fagotry is a form of passive rape leading to psychological enslavement. It is the shamelessly selfish malignant exhibitionism of oneself, without concern for others’ social needs or traumatic responses. These people replace conclusive outcomes with fetishistic nonsense and genius vanguards with brainwashed perverts. Fagotry is the natural outcome of mainstreaming sociopathic sexual predation in popular culture.

Fago neuroscience uses synaptic nanobots and genetic functions to digitally manifest in human subjects a sexual arousal response towards animals, animated characters, and infants.

Fagots would rather we be attracted to children so then can control us, instead of our children being safe from predators.

Fagots would prefer we be constantly exposed to rape porn, instead of being able to have peace of mind. 

Fagots would rather give us diseases and murder us, than be talked about for the monsters they are.

Fagots would rather mutilate our own genitalia and convince us to do the same, than learn to accept their human bodies.

Fagots make everything about themselves, they are domineering bullies who want to watch the world burn, and they use our instinctive repulsion towards their intentionally-disgusting bodies as a weapon to harm us.

Homosexuality is mentioned here, conceptually disconnected from the topic of faggots. Notice how differently people make it about themselves.

