
1968 - the year that haunts hundreds of women ⑴

Ly Truong

1968年、あの時の記憶は今なお多くの女性を苦しめている         ライ・トゥロン


When Tran Thi Ngai was raped, she did not get justice, or even sympathy.

Instead she ended up in prison.


The man had come in to buy soy sauce. Tran Thi Ngai was working as a midwife and nurse, but that morning she was looking after her parents’ shop in southern Vietnam while they were out.  He had grenades hanging from his armour, guns on his belt. It was the summer of 1967, and the Vietnam War - pitting South Vietnamese forces, the US and its allies, against the North Vietnamese Communists - was escalating.


As he approached the counter, he held out the money. As Tran reached to take it, he grabbed her arm, then her hair, and dragged her into the back room of the shop. There he raped her.  “It felt as if my life was over,” Tran says. All she could do was channel her energies into working harder than ever.


When she noticed her stomach swelling she assumed she was just putting on weight. Then one day she felt a kick and realised she was pregnant.  Her parents were horrified that she was expecting a baby out of wedlock - a major taboo. The country’s social mores were heavily influenced by Confucianism, and women were expected to remain virgins until they were married.

お腹の膨らみに気付いた時、彼女はただ体重が増えたのだと思っていた。しかしある日、彼女はお腹を蹴られているのを感じ、自分が妊娠していることに気づく。 彼女の両親は、結婚もしないうちに妊娠しといたことに慄いた。 そんなことはあってはならないからだ。この国の社会的モラルは儒教の影響を強く受けており、女性は結婚するまで処女を守ることが当然であったのだ。

“My parents called me ‘chửa hoang' (pregnant out of wedlock) - they beat me up badly. I didn’t want to carry on living.  I felt completely dead inside.” She tried to kill herself several times but survived - “it felt as if the foetus was fighting for me”. Her parents only stopped beating her once she gave birth - in February 1968. She was overwhelmed by how beautiful her baby girl was, but was soon overtaken by anxiety. “I was worried about my child growing up, worried about money, worried about how I could get back to work to earn a living.”

「両親は私に『結婚もしていないのに!』と言い私はひどく殴られました。生きていたくなかった。自分は内側から死んでしまったと感じました。」と彼女は語る。 何度か自殺も図ったが死にきれず、「赤ちゃんが私のために戦ってくれているような気がしたのです。」 1968年2月に彼女が出産してからは、両親は彼女を殴るのを止めた。生まれた赤ん坊は非常に可愛かったが、すぐに不安に打ちひしがれた。「子供を育てながら、どうやって仕事に復帰してお金を稼ぐかがとても心配になりました。」

She named the baby Oanh. But, hard as it is to comprehend, she wanted to recognise the baby’s father in some way. The middle name would be Kim. That was the soldier’s surname.  Her rapist was neither Vietnamese nor American. He was South Korean.


Four years earlier his nation had joined the US in fighting the Communist Vietcong in South Vietnam. Not long after giving birth, Tran woke one night to find that Kim had appeared again, looking for her.  “He didn’t say a word, stood there for one or two minutes, then left,” she says.

彼の祖国である韓国が、共産主義者ベトコンと戦うアメリカ軍に南ベトナムでの戦闘に加わって4年が過ぎていた。 出産して間もない頃のある夜、目を覚ましたトランさんは彼が再び戻って来たことに気がついた。「彼は黙ったまま1、2分そこに立っていて、そのまま立ち去りました。」と彼女は話す。


South Korean soldiers ("ROK Tigers") shooting in the region of Qui Nhon, in the South of Vietnam   ベトナム南部にあるクイニョン村で銃撃する韓国"猛虎部隊"

A few days later, another South Korean soldier arrived. He had been sent by Kim to take Tran and the baby to his base - that of the 28th regiment of the South Korean White Horse Division - in a remote mountainous area south of her home town. 


Ashamed and isolated, she felt she had no other choice. She got into the car and spent the next two years with her rapist. She was terrified the entire time, fearing for her life and that of the child. “It was coercion, rape, no love was there,” she says. Tran had another baby girl with Kim, before being abandoned when he moved to another base.

辱めを受け孤立していた彼女は、他に選択肢がないと感じた。彼女は車に乗り込み連れて行かれ、そのまま強姦魔と一緒に2年間を過ごした。彼女はその間ずっと自分と子供の命を心配し続けていた。 「強要やレイプの繰り返しで、愛などありませんでした。」と彼女は言う。 トランさんはキムさんとの間にもう一人女児をもうけたが、その後彼は別の基地に異動になり、彼女たちは捨てられた。


Tran Thi Ngai today

She found her way back to her parents in Phu Hiep, trying to work as many hours as possible to feed her children, until Kim once again sent a comrade to her.  But this time the soldier - whose name she recalls was Park - was there, at least ostensibly, to help with the children. “He carried them in his arms, fed them, cared for them while I was out working.” And then one day, Park, too, assaulted her.  Tran conceived another baby - a boy this time.  Her family’s social standing was now irrevocably damaged.

彼女はなんとかプーヒエップの両親のもとに戻り、子供たちを養うため可能な限り働き続けた。やがて金が仲間の一人を彼女に遣わせたが、その兵士(彼女の記憶ではパクという名前)は、少なくとも表向きは子供たちの世話をしにやって来たと思われた。「彼は子供たちを抱っこし、食事を与え、私が仕事をしている間子供たちの世話をしてくれた。」 そしてある日、パクもまた彼女を襲った。   トランさんは今度は男の子を妊娠した。しかしトランさん一家の社会的地位は、取り返しがつかないほど落ちぶれてしまった。

“It got to a point when living in the village became too difficult. Villagers shunned me, accused me of having a Korean husband, [luring the Koreans] here to kill the Vietnamese,” she says. She and her parents fled to another part of the province, but her reputation followed her.  “If I introduced myself as ‘Ngai’, people would say ‘Oh yes, Ms Ngai. Beautiful, but she doesn’t have a husband.’”


They would ask her why she hadn’t aborted her children. She says that as a midwife she couldn’t entertain the idea. “My job was to help other women give birth - I took care of their babies, I carried them, I embraced them, washed them, cut their cords. How could I even think of destroying my own baby?” says Tran, her voice breaking.

なぜ子供を中絶しなかったのかと聞く者もいた。助産師として、その考えを受け入れることはできなかったと彼女は言う。 「私の仕事は、他の女性が出産するのを助けることでした。赤ちゃんの臍の緒を切り、産湯をつかわせ、抱き上げ、世話をしてきたのに、自分の赤ちゃんを殺すことなど考えられるはずがありません。」とトランさんは声を震わせた。