
Don Tracy インタビュー


Today we are interviewing Mr. Don Tracy, who is the host of the Don Tracy Show, and we are interviewing him within the studio of the Armed Forces Radio and Television Services.
Ah Don, what sort of program are you in here?

Okay, basically the program that we have here is contemporary type of music, and if you are asking us for a mix, it may be 60/40 R&B and pop music.

From time to time we are asking different entertainers to come into the studio and sit with us like we are having, in fact, today.

It does, Jack. What are the prerequisites to become a broadcaster?

I would say an average speaking voice, an average amount of intelligence, maybe the desire and self-confidence.

You know, it's interesting because a lot of information that seems insignificant turns out to be so important, if nothing more than from a trivial point of view.
