
How was your weekend?

☆Warm up
① I am hungry.
② I am full. / I am very full.

■2022.04.02  Discussing - Leisure Activities

They are coworkers in an office on break.

How was your weekend?
What did you do?

Not much. (very little, nothing special)

Anyway, → new topic
By the way,
- 参考リンク 

I usually fall asleep at midnight.
I fell asleep at midnight last night. (past)

What did you do last weekend?
(over the weekend, last Sunday, two weeks ago, last month)
- over the weekend = Sat and Sun

I want a pc under $1000.

I went to a baseball game. (went to the movies. / went to my office.)
I went fishing. (went cycling. went bowling.)
How was it?
It was boring because there were no fish.

【follow-up questions】
Hoe was your day yesterday?
How was it?
Did you do anything else?
Was the weather nice?
How often….?
Who did you go with … ?
when did you start playing … ?
Where did you … ?

I play soccer once a month.
I go to the movies once a week.
we go there once every two years.

Thank you. See you tomorrow.

