
Stock Photo feature release

Pictier has released a stock photo feature! This allows you to easily list and purchase photos taken within Pictier!

About Pictier

・A photo based social media that connects photos overlaid on a map.
・Pictier does not have follow or comment functions and can be used anonymously, so you can post photos easily without feeling burnt out by the pressure of social media. Your photos are valued based on their quality and not by the number of followers or likes.

New stock photo feature

With the stock photo feature, you can list and purchase photos taken with Pictier within the app! Listing your photos is easy with the app, or you purchase them from others using Pictier coins. When a photo is purchased, the seller receives 180 reward points.

How to list a photo:

・When posting a photo, simply check the box that says "Offer this photo as a stock photo"! It's easy to list.
・If you want to list a photo that you have already posted, open the photo in My Photos and use the list button from the menu in the upper right.When one of your photos is purchased, you will receive 180 reward points.

How to purchase a photo:

  1. Display the photo you want to purchase and tap "Purchase this photo" from the menu in the upper right. (Photos without this display are not listed for sale)

  2. Purchase with Pictier coins. Pictier coins can be obtained by purchasing or playing videos. You can purchase a photo for 600 coins.

  3. Purchased photos can be downloaded from the menu in the upper right.

About Reward Points:

We believe that Pictier is made possible by users posting and viewing photos, and we give reward points based on the level of contribution to Pictier. 1000 points can be exchanged for $6.
Point reward options: VISA Debit card.
Point exchange conditions: Users who have more than 1000 points and are rank ★1 or higher.
Ways to earn points:
1. Completion of photo request - Points can be earned by fulfilling photo requests set up globally.
2. Stamp gifts - You can earn 7 points when a sticker gift is sent to a photo you took.
3. Introducing friends - You can earn 100 points per referral. There is no limit to the number of people you can invite.
4. Video ad playback - You can earn 7 points per playback of in-app video ads. Up to 3 times per day.
5. Stock photo - You earn 180 points when a photo you listed is purchased.

We will continue to develop the app and more features as a thank you to all the users who enjoy and help building Pictier together. 
Thank you for your continued support of Pictier!
