EVはメリットに繋がらない!? Negative Attack


HEnDA主催『第15回全国高校生英語ディベート大会 “Online”』に向けて調査中です。
大会要項はこちら http://henda.global/seminar/

Resolved: That the Japanese Government should ban production and sales of fossil-fueled cars, including hybrid cars, by 2035.


よって反論ではNo Need(Effect/Impact)と語句を使用しています。
これら結論を文頭に置くのはConclusion Comes Firstに則っています。

No Needでプラン単体の有効性を削りつつ、CountermeasureとしてSummaryで活かす作戦です。

As for AD__, they said CO2 emission in present situation. However,
No Need. Japan will shut down 90% of coal-fired power plants by 2030.
According to 毎日Newspaper ‘20,
Q) The Japanese government announced that it would shut down 90% of its old-style coal-fired power plants that emit large volumes of carbon dioxide by fiscal 2030. This means that around 100 generators are expected to be phased out. (UQ

No Need. Battery production gives bigger damage on environment than CO2 emissions.
According to We Forum 2017,
Q) Battery production causes more environmental damage than carbon emissions alone. Consider dust, fumes, wastewater and other environmental impacts from cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; water shortages and toxic spills from lithium mining in Latin America, which can alter ecosystems and hurt local communities; a heavily polluted river due to nickel mining in Russia; or air pollution in northeastern China, as mentioned above. (UQ

No Effect. Pollutants from solar panel will damage on environment.
According to Jack Dini 2018,
Q) Contrary to previous assumptions, pollutants such as lead or carcinogenic cadmium can be almost completely washed out of the fragments of solar modules over a period of several months by rain water. (UQ

(バッテリーが再生可能の余剰分を充電するに対して) (vsCO2の余った再エネ用)
No Effect. The more often battery are used, the smaller its capacity will be.
According to MTA 2020(available),
Q) The life expectancy for your car battery is typically between four to six years. (UQ

No Effect. The more batteries are disposed, the more damage on environment will be.
According to Ryan Morrison 2018,
Q) This is leading to thousands of tonnes of unprocessed battery pack waste building up - and potentially leaching dangerous chemicals into the environment. (UQ

As for AD__, they said PLAN is necessary for better economy. However,

No Need. The Japanese government actually increases charging spot and advanced engineers.
According to iCrowd Newswire 2020,
Q) The Japanese automotive industry has embraced the shift toward electric mobility. The high growth in the adoption of EVs in Japan is driven by government initiatives to increase the number of charging stations and extensive R&D to improve EV charging infrastructure. The rising adoption of EVs would increase the demand for advanced engineering services in the country. (UQ

No Need. In 2040, market share of battery EV is just 31% in the world. Engine related companies will still enjoy earning from 69%.
According to Statista 2020,
Q) It is expected that, by 2040, electric vehicles will account for some 31 percent of the global light duty vehicle fleet. (UQ

No Effect. Japan cannot compete with China because of battery production.
According to Auto.com 2020,
Q) China is expected to lead the global EV demand by having 40% EV battery demand in 2025. In terms of minerals, China dominates cobalt processing with 50% being controlled by it. (UQ
