
Lawn Care In Just 7 Simple Tips

The beautiful days are coming; it is high time to take care of the lawn if we want to enjoy it this summer! Don't worry; it's not a very long or very difficult job. Here are our top tips for having a perfect lawn care. And then you will see that maintaining your lawn has never been easier!

1. Mow often!

During the "active growth" season, in spring and fall, it is advisable to mow every 3 to 5 days to prevent the grass from getting too long. To you the good smell of cut grass! The more spaced the mowing is, the more difficult the passage of the mower will be and will therefore take much longer. On the contrary, the more regular it is, the more the lawn will grow. Follow the rule of thirds: do not cut more than a third of the height of the lawn. Too short cuts do not cover the soil surface and weaken the lawn. The shorter the cut, the more sensitive your garden will be to trampling, to drought ...

2. Water early in the morning

Watering in the early hours of the day (between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m.) allows the grass to absorb the water before the heat of the sun causes it to evaporate. The lawn needs 3 to 4 cm of water per week. Watering in depth will allow the grass to develop its roots, it will resist drought and disease better. If you hate getting up in the morning, or if you don't have a timer for your watering, do it in the evening.

3. Water sparingly

Overwatering is not only unnecessary but can also increase grass growth which could lead to more frequent mowing. Allow the soil to partially dry out between waterings. You can use a screwdriver to probe the earth and measure the depth of moisture.

4. Recover mowing waste

Reduce the amount of fertilizer by grasscycling, it is the recycling of the lawn by leaving the mown grass on the lawn. It reduces the amount of fertilizer required. In fact, mowing residues are equivalent to a quarter of the lawn's annual fertilizer requirements. To do this, it is better to mow often, to have only very small residues which will “melt” more easily into the ground.

5. Sharpen your blades

Sharp blades ensure a clean, safe, and efficient cut. Dull blades will shred the grass, which promotes pathogen access and weakens the plant. Experts advise sharpening the blades at least once a year.

6. Use a mulching

Mowing residues are made up of water and small amounts of lignin, so they break down very quickly. A small thickness of thatch (about 2-3 cm) can be beneficial for your lawn. Like grass clippings, it will protect the lawn's root system to prevent heat loss and reduce water loss. Be careful, however, to keep a light hand because too much thatch that would have accumulated on the ground, would end up choking the grass. You can use straw reduced to small pieces, to do this spread it on the lawn, and passing the mower, the straw will be crushed.

7. Clean your lawn

Do not hesitate to take a little tour to remove the dandelion-type weeds which will quickly become invasive, extract the roots using a small claw, sow reline grass in place and tamp down well. Use a rake regularly to remove small stones, dead grass, etc. Good ventilation allows the lawn to start again.
