
30th April 2024: People come and go.

It is not the first time that I have faced a situation that makes me want to disappear from this world. Many things I experienced made me think about why I had to face this kind of situation. It’s because of me or because I’m already destined to be like this?

As I grew up, I met more people and lost many people as well.
People I love don't last as long as people I hate.

People come and go. It passed as if it had never happened. If I have to tell something about what to know in this life, it might be about relationships.

People come and go. Nothing lasts forever. Live my life my best and I will survive.

If I can only be a backup plan for someone I hope that in a fraction of a second I can think again and be the person who chooses instead.

Nothing to do with the people who want to go or want to come. Just keep it simple and don’t expect from anyone. 

That’s life. 
