
"Thin Lines” - tajima hal & TOSHIKI HAYASHI(%C)クラウドファンディングについて



2014年、tajima hal & TOSHIKI HAYASHI(%C)のスプリットEPとしてリリースされた本作に当時のアンリリースドトラックを加え、10インチ限定レコードとして2021年に蘇る。
2012年にスプリットEP、8dをbandcampでひっそりとリリースしたのちにtajima halがベルリンへと渡り、それぞれの土地で汲み上げたヴァイブレーションを融合させたBoombapビート集がこのThin Lines。
80年代にアメリカで始まり世界各地で多種多様な花がひらいたHIP HOP。言うまでもなく二人は90年代のHIP HOPに強い影響を受けている。現代のBoombapを提示するかのごとく荒々しいドラムにおぼろげなサンプルを散りばめたビートが今日も地球のどこかのスピーカーを鳴らしている。

同郷のMCであるBasho(CBS/Pistachio Studio)をフィーチャーした#6.pistachio talkではリリックを新たにし再録の新バージョンを収録。
同時期にSuburban相模原で活動していた4人が再集結し完成された2021年版Thin Line。ペン先から紡がれるLineにMPCからのびる無数のLines、太いパイプの中を交差し自在に駆け巡るThin Linesを新しい形に作り上げた。

about diggers factory


今回のプロジェクトはdiggers factoryというアメリカのクラウドファンディング形式でレコードプレスの代行をしている会社の元で進めます。
一つのハードルとなって良い面もあると考えますが、確実に作品を残しておきたいと考えるとレコードを選びます。無数の曲へストリーミングを通じて誰でもアクセスできる時代ですが、ある日突然聴けなくなってしまうなんてことも起こり得るし、20年後変わらず配信されているかも分からない。そう言った意味でレコードは音楽を保存するのに最高なメディアです。 (捨てられない限りは中古市場の大海を彷徨い、いつか誰かの手に渡る可能性だってある)

今回は100枚プレスを目標に予約をDigger's Factoryのウェブサイト上で募ります。30日間の期限が設定されており、それまでに目標に達さなかった場合は失敗となりレコードはプレスされません。


"Thin Lines”

In the year 2014, two hip hop beat makers from Sagami-Hara (Japan) named TAJIMA HAL and TOSHIKI HAYASHI (%C) released their split EP titled "Thin Lines”. Today, these two masters of their craft have decided to resurrect these gems (and add unreleased material) as a deluxe limited edition 10-inch vinyl release in 2021!

In 2012 after they both had released several instrumentals beat tapes in their home country of Japan, TAJIMA HAL decided to broaden his horizons and moved to Berlin, Germany. After spending two years abroad, TAJIMA HAL took all the experiences and inspirations he gained in Germany and teamed up with old hometown friend TOSHIKI HAYASHI (%C) to combine their ideas and the flavor of the two countries. Through this combination, their boombap masterpiece "Thin Line" came to be.

Those familiar with their work can tell you that both TAJIMA HAL and TOSHIKI HAYASHI (%C) were heavily inspired by the boombap style of American 90's hip hop that they grew up listening to. Today these boys offer what they call “upgraded boombap" where you can hear them chopping samples in their own unique ways.

Both the album cover artist (SPYCETWO) and the invited feature rapper (BASHO from the group CBS) on this deluxe re-release come from the same hometown of Sagami-hara. Now these Sagami-Hara boys are all grown up and finally teaming up to resurrect and upgrade the "Thin Lines” with their fully powered combination.

About "Diggers Factory"

Today we are living in a digital era, and while streaming technology is dominating the way we purchase and consume music, there are people of all ages who value the physical release of vinyl records. Unfortunately though, the production of vinyl is also the most expensive format for an independent artist to release on their own, so we have decided to proceed with crowdfunding under the guidance of the American record pressing company “Diggers Factory” to bring our physical vinyl release to you!

While people today now have access to nearly every major music release through streaming services, there’s no guarantee that the music we made will remain on streaming formats 20 years from now. What if the internet crashes? How will the beat go on? Definitely, the best way to preserve our music for future generations is to make sure that we as independent artists have our work released on a physical medium like vinyl that could be played, shared, and passed down for years to come.

It’s not only the music on the vinyl, but cover art is another important factor in how we connect. The record and its cover are like a letter from the artist to the listener. Through this full package we have the chance to share our thoughts and ideas and build a connection. Remember that first unknown artist’s album you picked up at the store only because the cover art caught your eye? Without good cover art, how many of your favorite albums would you have unknowingly passed by? We want to release a vinyl that you’ll not only want to keep playing, but one that you’ll want to hang on your wall.

The reason we’ve decided to proceed with crowdfunding is because we want you to be able to always have our music physically by your side. Our goal is to print 100 records and we have a limit of 30 days to reach it. If the pre-sale number doesn't reach 100 by then, then the records won't be pressed and the project will be considered a failure. (In the event that crowdfunding goals are not met, all donators will receive a full refund.)

This limited edition vinyl is purchasable exclusively as part of our crowdfunding project and basically WILL NOT get a re-press. Please act now and help us preserve this piece of hip hop history.

For further questions/inquires, please contact me to my e-mail address below

Thank you!

