
I will write a report I went to the Los Angeles performance in April 2019. The content is a bit mysterious, but if you're interested read it.︎

What I'm going to talk about is the real thing I  xperienced in downtown Los Angeles(Hollywood) after a live CaiXukun show last year on April 6th. 

Please read if you like mysterious stories.

The end time of CaiXukun's live was one hour behind schedule. I had booked a taxi to go back to the hotel, but I couldn't pick it up. I went to Xukun’s live from Japan alone.


My outfit was for live use and was a bit more prominent when I walked downtown Los Angeles alone. Late night downtown was scary to me and I was confused about picking up a taxi.


I noticed that I cannot pick up a taxi at midnight in the United States. America is “Uber”. I found a convenience store when I was walking down the pitch of downtown.

I was a little upset by the excitement after CaiXukun's live performance and the fear of the night road. I can't speak English well. Then a female store clerk at a convenience store called out to me.

When I told the clerk about the situation, she called Uber.



Seven minutes, when I was told to wait, I was standing!
A clown on the Segway came and told me, 

"I'll lend you this Segway." I saw a real clown for the first time in my life. He wore makeup on face, wore a wig, and wore a unique clown outfit. I wondered if I had a dream when I encountered a clown late at night in downtown Hollywood.

It was strange that the clown said "I'll lend you this segway" without knowing that I was waiting for a taxi.

A few days after returning to Japan, I was surprised to see CaiXukun's "HTG" MV Teaser. Because Xukun was dressed as a clown.



Since then, I have had more opportunities to see clowns in magazines, television, and many places.

I learned that CaiXukun likes movies about the main character of the clown.


In “KeepRunning” CaiXukun wore a clown costume.




After that Hollywood, I seem to be possessed by clowns. laugh.( ´艸`)
