
#KUREIJIARCADE Thanks for organizer Ollie and everyone who participated! It was a fantastic tournament.

Despite to the different degrees of familiarity each member had with the game, they were able to enjoy the game throughout the tournament. In Hololive only, Hide-and-seek, Zombie Raid and Boxing game design were awesome and I never thought that APEX could be such interesting! Everyone had a lot of imagination. Many of th were very good at hide-and-seek. Some of the members don't usually play games, but they really made good use of the terrain.

I think it was a good experience for JP, ID, and EN to be able to interact with each other in whatever way they could communicate with each other.

HOLOSTARS & MIXED, I am glad to see the collaboration between Hololive and Holostars. I could feel that both members of HOLOLOLIVE and HOLOSTARS are very kind. There are so many good talkers. It was so much fun!

I thought the flow of the tournament was also smooth.

I think a lot of preparation probably went into making the rules, explaining the rules, and actually implementing them. Also, there were people who came to help out, which made the whole flow smoother. With the different mother tongues, everyone worked hard, and you really did well! Every time I see a competition like this, it reminds me of what YAHOO said about wanting to "spread Hololive to the world" (?). I think this time were able to take that a step further. They was able to express themselves in different languages. They are great!

This time, I was looking at the Towa-sama stream.

During the ZOMBIE team, the atmosphere between Towa-sama and Bae and Moona was peaceful. They had members who speaks Japanese and English well in the team, so it was easy to communicate with each other. I liked the way they helped each other and felt very warm.

I also liked the interaction between Towa-sama, Kobo, and Fauna during the ZOMBIE Raid. There may have been a communication bottleneck due to language issues, but I loved how all three of them tried their best to understand what each other was trying to say. I think all three of them did a great job.

I also enjoyed the interaction between Towa-sama, Aruran, and Banzoin Hakka during HOLOSTARS & MIXED. all three were very good at chatting, initiating conversation and providing topics. I thought it was a great experience and made a great impression on the members of HOLOSTARS.


#KUREIJIARCADE 主催者Ollieと参加のみんなお疲れ様でした!

HOLOLIVE ONLYのかくれんぼやレイドやボクシングのゲームは、本当によく考えられていて、みんなの想像力が豊かで、かくれんぼが上手な人が多かったと思います。 普段ゲームをしないメンバーもいましたが、地形をうまく利用していて、本当によかったです。


HOLOSTARS & MIXED、ホロライブとホロスターのコラボがうれしい。 ホロライブ、ホロスターの両メンバーがとても優しなのが伝わってきました。トーク上手い人いっぱいあるね。めっちゃ楽しかった!


ルール作り、ルール説明、実際の実施には、おそらく多くの準備が必要だったと思います。 また、お手伝いに来てくださった方もいて、全体の流れがスムーズになりました。 母国語が違うこともあり、みんなめっちゃ頑張って、本当にえらい! こういう大会を見るたびに、YAHOOが「ホロライブを世界に広めたい」(?)と言っていたことを思い出すのですが、今日はそれをさらに一歩進めることができたと思いますね。 今日は、みんな言語の表現も上手くなりました。うれしいです。


ZOMBIEチーム時、トワ様とBaeやMoonaとの雰囲気がめっちゃよかったです。 チーム内に日本語と英語を話すメンバーがいたので、コミュニケーションが取りやすかったですね。 お互いに助け合う姿が好きで、とても温かい気持ちになりました。

RAID戦でのトワ様とKobo、Faunaのやり取りも好きでした。 言葉の問題でコミュニケーションのボトルネックがあったかもしれませんが、3人とも一生懸命にお互いの言いたいことを理解しようとする姿が素敵でした。 3人ともよく頑張ったと思います。

HOLOSTARS & MIXEDの時のトワ様とアランディスさん、Banzoin Hakkaの交流も楽しかったです。3人ともとてもおしゃべりで、会話を切り出し、話題を提供してくれました。 ホロスターズのメンバーにも良い印象を持ってもらえたし、良い経験になったと思いました。

