
沖ノ鳥島についての英語長文 英検2級 オリジナル問題


The Significance of Okinotorishima

Okinotorishima is a remote island located in the Pacific Ocean, which serves as a symbol of both environmental challenges and geopolitical interests. This island, although mostly submerged, plays a crucial role in defining maritime boundaries and protecting biodiversity. Its existence raises important discussions about sovereignty and environmental conservation.

For one, Okinotorishima is at the heart of Japan's efforts to extend its exclusive economic zone (EEZ), providing access to vast marine resources and strategic advantages. The area surrounding the island is rich in fish stocks and potential undersea mineral deposits, making it a significant asset for Japan. Furthermore, the island acts as a critical habitat for various marine species, highlighting the importance of protecting such unique environments against the backdrop of global climate change.

However, the island's strategic importance also makes it a focal point of territorial disputes, particularly with neighboring countries. These disputes underscore the complex interplay between national interests and international maritime law. Moreover, Okinotorishima's environmental significance comes with the responsibility of safeguarding its fragile ecosystem. The efforts to preserve the island, including concrete reinforcements, underscore the challenges of balancing human interests with ecological sustainability.

In light of these factors, Okinotorishima represents more than just a physical location. It symbolizes the broader issues of maritime sovereignty, environmental conservation, and the challenges of international cooperation. As nations navigate these complex waters, the future of Okinotorishima will likely continue to influence discussions on maritime law, national territory, and environmental protection.


  1. Okinotorishima is significant primarily because it:
    A) is a large, populous island.
    B) provides Japan with strategic advantages and marine resources.
    C) is unaffected by global climate change.
    D) has no territorial disputes.

  2. The efforts to preserve Okinotorishima's ecosystem include:
    A) expanding the island's landmass.
    B) engaging in territorial disputes.
    C) reinforcing the island with concrete.
    D) ignoring international maritime law.

  3. Which of the following best describes the challenges surrounding Okinotorishima?
    A) There are no significant challenges.
    B) It is only a focal point for territorial disputes.
    C) Balancing human interests with ecological sustainability.
    D) The island is not strategically important.


  1. 回答: B) provides Japan with strategic advantages and marine resources.
    解説: Okinotorishimaの重要性は、日本が独占的経済圏(EEZ)を拡張し、豊富な海洋資源と戦略的利点へのアクセスを得ることにあります。

  2. 回答: C) reinforcing the island with concrete.
    解説: 島の生態系を保護するための努力には、コンクリートで島を補強することが含まれます。これは、脆弱な生態系を守るための挑戦の一つです。

  3. 回答: C) Balancing human interests with ecological sustainability.
    解説: Okinotorishimaを巡る課題は、人間の利益と生態系の持続可能性のバランスを見つけることにあります。これは、国家利益と国際海洋法の複雑な相互作用を示しています。






