

(John 4:10) Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” イエスは答えて言われた、「もしあなたが神の賜物のことを知り、また、『水を飲ませてくれ』と言った者が、だれであるか知っていたならば、あなたの方から願い出て、その人から生ける水をもらったことであろう」。(ヨハネ4:10)

One day Jesus traveled from Judea to Galilee.


 He passed through Samaria before arriving in Galilee. 


He met an interesting woman who came to believe in Jesus afterward (John 4:9-26). 


As part of their conversation, Jesus told her that if she knew ‘the GIFT OF GOD’, and who He is she would rather ask Him for this gift.


 He said this gift of God will become in her 'a living water'. 


Do you know this gift is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is the gift of God. 


He is in you as the living water. With Him, you have nothing to be afraid of.

彼は、生ける水としてあなたの中にいます。 この方がいれば、何も恐れることはありません。

 He is the master strategist, source of wealth, health, healing, and beauty. 


He knows how to beautify your life for He is the architect behind the construction of heaven (Job 26:13). Declare that ‘the GIFT OF GOD’ is in you. Halleluyah!


Meditation: (John 4:10) Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”

Activity: Spend time in prayer today and declare that the Holy Spirit is the gift of God in you.
Confession: The Holy Spirit is the 'Gift of God' in me. With Him, my life has become beautiful. With Him, I am prospering. With Him, I am moving forward. He is my health and healing. He is my master strategist. The Holy Spirit is the gift of God. Halleluyah!

If you have never been born again then make the confession below.
I declare from today that Jesus Christ is my Lord and I believe that God raised Him from the dead.
You can begin to attract God’s goodness into your life from today.
Prepared by Ps. Ben and Team
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