

(Psalms 29:3) The voice of the Lord is over the waters; 主のみ声は水の上にあり、栄光の神は雷をとどろかせ、主は大水の上におられる。

An accurate understanding of the Word of God is important in prayer and living out the life Christ gave us. 


Sometimes in prayer, you have to quote or recite certain scriptures by the leading of the Spirit. At such an hour, his voice becomes your voice.

時々祈りの中で、あなたは御霊の導きによって特定の聖句を引用したり暗唱したりしなければなりません。 そんな時、彼の声があなたの声になります。

 Psalms 29 teaches us that the voice of the LORD is upon the waters; meaning it has authority over waters and the spirits in them. 

詩篇29章は、主の声が水の上にあることを教えています。 つまり、水とその中の精霊に対する権威を持っているということです。

It goes on to explain that the voice of the LORD is powerful, can relaease thunder, breaks the cedars of Lebanon (this means breaks down difficult situation), divides the flames of fire (this means the voice of the LORD has authority over every fire), shakes the wilderness (this means it can shake and destroy hard life, difficulties, and lack), and rids the forest bare. 

さらに、主の声は力強く、雷を和らげることができ、レバノンの杉を壊し(これは困難な状況を打破することを意味します)、火の炎を分割します(これは主の声がすべての火に対して権威を持っていることを意味します) )、荒野を揺さぶる(これは、荒野を揺さぶって破壊する可能性があることを意味します)、そして森をむき出しにします。

His voice is in his words. Learn to always win by his voice as you pray by quoting scriptures. 

彼の声は彼の言葉にあります。 聖文を引用して祈るときは、常に彼の声で勝つことを学びましょう。

As an activity for today, recite Psalms 23 as many times as you can. Halleluyah!

今日の活動として、詩篇23篇をできるだけ何度も唱えましょう。 ハレルヤ!

Meditation: Read Psalms 29.
Activity: Spend time in prayer and fellowship with the Holy Ghost today. Recite Psalms 23 prayerfully for three times.
Confession: I win by his voice as I quote scriptures in prayer. Since his voice becomes my voice as I quote scriptures in prayer, then my voice has become powerful, thunders, is upon the waters, rids the forest bare, and breaks all difficult situations. Halleluyah!
If you have never been born again, then make the confession below.
I declare from today that Jesus Christ is my Lord and I believe that God raised Him from the dead.
You can begin to attract God’s goodness into your life from today.
Prepared by Ps. Bernard and his Team
Whatsap us on +233207757131

mailing for English : bbahaah@gmail.com

