2nd album「It’s not food!!」Release party
2nd album「It’s not food!!」release party will be held on17th Oct. at Polaris Kanda.
The album featured rough and aggressive sound had been recorded by Yui Kimizima (Tsubame Studio).
▶Mercandise: Bandcamp, Base→CD、Cassette tape

Reservation form: https://coubic.com/pandagolff/3261998#pageContent
『“It’s not food!!” Release party』
Date: Oct. 17. 2023 (Tue)
Venue: Polaris
Open 19:00 / Live Start 19:30
ACT:pandagolff / Khaki/ Daisy Jaine
Adv. ¥2,500 / Door ¥3,000(+1d)
Guest act:Daisy Jaine
Guest act:Khaki