Yesterday, I suddenly had a whim and watched some ML videos from 2018-2020,and suddenly I felt deeply and wanted to share some of my personal feelings

At that time, I saw the idols I had liked since childhood appearing on live broadcasts. They used their own card playing methods to prove their abilities. This method was very passionate for me

In my heart, I hoped that this program would never stop, but at that time I was also wondering whether this high-cost program would eventually disappear because they couldn't afford the money

Then in 2020 covid appeared,So started doing activities at home for a long time, and the number of viewers watching ML also began to increase.And then because of the majhong soul,Attracted a large number of new young players,so it was a very good opportunity for ML at that time,the opportunity at that time is also very successful now

Then in 2021, the team members began to focus on fame,arisa andToujou,
At that time, I was very surprised by this incident and felt a little disgusted, but I also felt that I should try to accept it, after all, the program needs more popularity to promote it, and the increase in income is still beneficial to the development of Sparrow.

But what made me very dissatisfied at that time was the addition of rumi,Because there was a talent show held on Feng Lin’s team that year
,This was a very big event at the time,Many outstanding players are working hard to win the game and become ML players.Suddenly the atmosphere reached its highest point..The final result is that only the first person is selected to become an ML player ,At that time, he said that he would select another player among the players in the competition to become ML.But in the end he chose only fame 100 but 0 technical RUMI

At that time, my mood could be said to be at its lowest point,There are so many players who hope to become ml players,spent a lot of time and energy to prepare and work hard, but in the end I still lost to a person who is only famous. For other players, this is very pitiful

Time goes to the middle of 2023,ml announced that it will join a new team,All the players who have worked hard have new hope again,Personally, I don’t have too high expectations for this team. After all, I know that this team needs fame to support it, so I probably already know that at least one member of the team entered based on fame

The moment he announced the roster of players, I almost thought I had something wrong with my ears


Is this a combination for the sparrow game?High-minded battle?????????????
For the players who have been working hard to become ML for the past five years,The final result is to lose to these outstanding and famous players?

And my personal disappointment with this program has reached its peak,It turns out that hard work can never compare to fame,So why label a high-intensity Sparrow match lol
