東洋からのさらなる盗難 「神」がつくった詐欺 (More Stolen From The East: "God" Created Scam)

東洋からのさらなる盗難 「神」がつくった詐欺

More Stolen From The East: "God" Created Scam(「カバラを暴露する」より)

by JoS Forums Contributions



「Hei の音は、Hei という息を吐き出すだけで、唇や舌や口を動かす必要はなく、ほとんど力を必要としない。詩篇の作者が証言しているように、ハシェム(Hashem)の言葉によって天が造られ、その口の息によって万物が造られた(詩篇33:6)」[1]。








「Hの文字は、究極の主であるシヴァの様相を表している。 定義できるもの全てを超えた創造を超えて、私はHであり、最高の証人であり、すべての慈悲の総体である。」ナンディケシュヴァラ・カシカ 27(Nandikeshvara Kashika 27)" [2]



[1] ヘブライ語のアルファベットに込められた叡智 ラビ・マイケル・L・マンク
[2] 神々の遊びの間に アラン・ダニエルー


Re:東洋からのさらなる盗難 「神」がつくった詐欺
投稿 by SatanicSlytherin » Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:55 pm


Re:東洋からのさらなる盗難 「神」がつくった詐欺
投稿 by Xavius_6x6 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:28 pm


Re:東洋からのさらなる盗難 「神」がつくった詐欺
投稿 by Mageson666  » Mon Jan 08, 2018 4:52 am


投稿 by SatanicSlytherin

Re:東洋からのさらなる盗難 「神」がつくった詐欺
投稿 by FancyMancy » Tue Jan 09, 2018 4:58 pm

投稿 by Mageson666

投稿 by SatanicSlytherin




More Stolen From The East: "God" Created Scam

The Kabala is the true Torah as the Jews state.
As the kabala states:

" With the letter Hei, he [god] created the world."

"The sound of Hei is a mere exhalation of breath, Hei; it requires little effort, no movement of lip, tongue or mouth.... As the Psalmists testifies by the word of Hashem the heavens were made and by the breath of his mouth all their hosts (Psalms 33:6)"[1]

This text also shows the letter Hei is symbolized by the Kohen blessing the Rabbi's do over the heads of the congregation. The proper way of doing such as shown in this book is also seen on Jewish art:

This is in the far east as the mundra for the crown chakra. In Sanskrit there are three main categories of letters that of Vowels, Breath Sounds and Consonants. The H is listed as a breath letter as its just that. This is where the Jews stole this from.

In the far east in India and Tibet the H letter is placed in the CROWN CHAKRA. Hei is also spelled in Hebrew as HA which the letter HA is placed in the crown in the far east.

Shiva's sacred abode in Hinduism is placed within the crown which connects to the pineal gland the two are related to as having a connection to the Soma or Moon.

Is Hei/Ha, really the letter of Yahweh? No they stole this as well.

The letter H is ruled by the God Shiva as the universal Godhead in the east:

"The letter H represents Shiva in his aspect as the ultimate principal Beyond the creation beyond all that which can be defined, I am H, the supreme witness and the sum of all mercy. ... Nandikeshvara Kashika 27." [2]

The letter H in kabala represents the five elements as it does in Hinduism. H is the letter that represents ether the element of spirit which is sound and ether which all the elements are formed of and energetic arrangements of. The entire alphabet is shown in the crown chakra in Hinduism and in Kabala where it was stolen from the east to symbolize this fact.

The world is symbolic of the body in Hinduism which is created of the five elements. Same in Kabala. This is not some god on a cloud somewhere creating the physical planet. The "god" of the Jews didn't create anything not this world, nothing. Its all stolen and corrupted spiritual knowledge from the Pagan Gentiles.

[1]The Wisdom In The Hebrew Alphabet, Rabbi Michael L.Munk
[2] While The Gods Play, Alain Danielou


Re: More Stolen From The East: "God" Created ScamPost by SatanicSlytherin » Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:55 pm

Oh so the jews ripped off the Crown hand sign to make their shit, which turned into that Vulcan hand salute. Kind of gives new meaning to “live long and prosper”, lol. Right under our noses this whole time.

Re: More Stolen From The East: "God" Created ScamPost by Xavius_6x6 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:28 pm

It is easy for any person who has spent at least some time studying ancient cultures that the hoax of Abrahamic religions basically copied everything from them.


Re: More Stolen From The East: "God" Created Scam

Post by SatanicSlytherin » Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:55 pm

Oh so the jews ripped off the Crown hand sign to make their shit, which turned into that Vulcan hand salute. Kind of gives new meaning to “live long and prosper”, lol. Right under our noses this whole time.

Re: More Stolen From The East: "God" Created Scam

Post by Xavius_6x6 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:28 pm

It is easy for any person who has spent at least some time studying ancient cultures that the hoax of Abrahamic religions basically copied everything from them.

Re: More Stolen From The East: "God" Created Scam

Post by Mageson666 » Mon Jan 08, 2018 4:52 am

Nimoy stated he took the Vulcan hand jive from the Kohen blessing he was a kabala jew and did numerous projects based on kabala theosophy.

SatanicSlytherin wrote:

Oh so the jews ripped off the Crown hand sign to make their shit, which turned into that Vulcan hand salute. Kind of gives new meaning to “live long and prosper”, lol. Right under our noses this whole time.

Re: More Stolen From The East: "God" Created Scam

Post by FancyMancy » Tue Jan 09, 2018 4:58 pm

HP Mageson666 wrote:

Nimoy stated he took the Vulcan hand jive from the Kohen blessing he was a kabala jew and did numerous projects based on kabala theosophy.

SatanicSlytherin wrote:

Oh so the jews ripped off the Crown hand sign to make their shit, which turned into that Vulcan hand salute. Kind of gives new meaning to “live long and prosper”, lol. Right under our noses this whole time.

This explains a bit.

You might be able to see the bonus features of Star Trek the Original Series on jewtube or somewhere, where nimoy is talking about the painting it did, and where it explains the rabbi minstering to the jew with the hand sign.
