重要 ローシュ・ハッシャーナー (Important Rosh Hashanah)

重要 ローシュ・ハッシャーナー

Important Rosh Hashanah(フォーラムより)

投稿 by Mageson666 » Thu Sep 26, 2019 1:35 pm

敵の祝日、ローシュ・ハッシャーナー〈ユダヤ教の新年祭、 "Rosh "はヘブライ語で「頭」、"ha "は定冠詞のthe、"shanah "は「年」を意味する。したがって、「Rosh HaShanah」は「年の頭」という意味で、ユダヤ教の新年の日を指す。ユダヤ教の大聖日の最初の日で、聖書上の名前は「Yom Teruah」で「音が鳴り響く日」、北半球の初秋に行われる〉の日程が、2019/9/29~10/1になります。〈2021年は9/6~9/8〉






42の名前は、ユダヤ教の神が、ユダヤ教における世界を創造する天地創造の、7日間のヘブライ語の名前に由来します。これは22のヘブライ語の文字の配列で行われ、この期間にユダヤ人が創造されたことにも関係しています。だからこそ、ローシュ・ハッシャーナー(Rosh Hashanah)なのです。〈だからこそローシュ・ハッシャ―ナー?〉この儀式のもう一つの意味は、ユダヤ人が自分たちの考えたYHVHの形を物質世界に現し、乗っ取ろうとしていることです。ト―ラー(Torah)とは、ヘブライ語では「魔導書」に等しく〈Rah(ラー)はヘブライ語で悪、「Rotah」はラーの輪を意味し、ヘブライ語では「悪の輪」を意味する〉、ユダヤ人がヘブライ語を唱えて力を生み出し、彼らの思考形態である、YHVHを世界に顕現させるためのエネルギーの輪を動かすための呪文の本であり、22のヘブライ文字を基に作られています。




Re: 重要 ローシュ・ハッシャーナー
HPS Shannon » Thu Sep 26, 2019 9:49 pm

HP Mageson、ありがとう。


Re: 重要 ローシュ・ハッシャーナー
投稿 by Horizon666  » Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:29 am


Re: 重要 ローシュ・ハッシャーナー
投稿者 by HP.Hoodedcobra666 » Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:00 am

投稿 by Horizon666  » Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:29 am                        ここにいるサタニックファミリーの皆さんこんにちは!

これは全ての人に当てはまります。私はこのスレッドを盛り上げるために返信します。 敵は今日、彼らのクズな行為を始めています、そして私達は彼らに対抗することから始めなければなりません。 集中して下さい。


Re: 重要 ローシュ・ハッシャーナー
投稿 by Ol argedco luciftias  » Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:11 pm

彼らの腐ったShanah Tovahからヨム・キプルまで、出来るだけハードに行くと思っていました。彼らが始めようとしていることはなんであれ、それが始まる前にシャットダウンするようだ。これは、一年のうちで最も重要な時期の一つですか?

Re: 重要 ローシュ・ハッシャーナー
投稿 by HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:16 pm

Re: 重要 ローシュ・ハッシャーナー
投稿 by Ol argedco luciftias  » Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:11 pm                       彼らの腐ったShanah Tovahからヨム・キプルまで、出来るだけハードに行くと思っていました。彼らが始めようとしていることはなんであれ、それが始まる前にシャットダウンするようだ。これは、一年のうちで最も重要な時期の一つですか?

ヨム・キプルはもっと重大なものだから、このヨム・クソ (Yom Shittur) で這いつくばることのないように、自分のエネルギーのペースをどうするか決めましょう。このローシュ・ハッシャーナーは、重い攻撃をしてくるヨム・キプルに比べれば、戯言のようなものです。もし、これら全ての日に、大量のRTRを行うことが出来るなら、それに越したことはありません。

ただし、喉が痛くなったりする人もいるかもしれないので、大きなイベントに向けてエネルギーを蓄えながらやりましょう。このヨム・下痢(Yom Dhiarrhea)は、彼らの攻撃的な祝いの日で、本当に有意義なことを行います。ローシュ・ハッシャーナーは、これに比べるとサーカスのようなものです。ヨム・キプルでは、より重要なことが行われます。ヨム・キプルは、異邦人を呪うための祝日で、彼らの全てのクソの行為が異邦人に転嫁されます。頑張り過ぎないようにして下さい。私たちの世界をめちゃくちゃにするために彼らのエネルギーを注ぎ込むことは許されない。犠牲はそれだけの価値があります。必要であれば、RTRの間隔を空けてください。




Important Rosh Hashanah
Post by Mageson666 » Thu Sep 26, 2019 1:35 pm

Important Rosh Hashanah

The time of the enemy holiday Rosh Hashanah is going to be from Sept 29 to Oct 1.

The purpose of this holiday is to start the wheel of energy that will connect with Yom Kippur the following week. Yom Kippur from the Kabbalah adept Rabbi's is when the Jews engage in a series of rituals in which they work to remove the negative energy on their racial soul from all the ritual sacrifices and such they commit and then transfer the energy onto Gentiles to curse Gentiles with. Hence the scape goat concept at this time.

Rosh Hashanah is the ritual of the Jews creating and sending the energy into October in which the Rabbi's will do a series of long Torah rituals to recharge the wheel of the Torah for the new Jewish year. This is why last October the Jewsuit Pope Francis was begging the Catholic Goyim to pray the Rosary all month long. The main Rosary prayer is the Our Father prayer that is taken from the Jewish Bible thus the energy connects into the wheel of energy of the Torah.

Rosh Hashanah relates to the creation of the Jewish soul in Kabbalah and the days of creation in Genesis. Adam is the Jewish race in the Talmud and the soul of the Jewish race. Adam was symbolized as having the Zohar a shining jewel that is the soul energy of the Jewish race and the book of Kabbalah from YHVH that was passed on to Abraham later on. The mysteries of this are the 22 Hebrew letters of which their YHVH created the Jewish soul with.

Rosh means the head. This day relates to the seven days of creation in Kabbalah and the Torah. The Jews wear the black box upon the head the tefillin has a four pronged Shin letter that is made to encode another Shin letter within the design to show 7 prongs of the Shin and the prongs of the Shin are made of Vav letters. Its showing the code for the 42 names of god that of 6 times 7 that relates to the 42 names of god in Kabbalah. The 42 names are from the Hebrew names of the seven days of creation in which the Jewish god creates the world in Judaism this is done with permutations of the 22 Hebrew letters this also relates to the Jewish race being created during this period. Hence Rosh Hashanah. The other meaning of this ritual is the Jews are working to manifest their thought form of YHVH into the material world and take over. Torah means Grimoire in Hebrew its a book of spells the Jews recite in Hebrew and create the power with such and put the wheel of energy into motion of their thought form YHVH to manifest into the world and its built upon the 22 Hebrew letters.

The 42 names are about manifesting the spell of the Torah into the new world that the YHVH is working to create through them. The new beginning the Jews are working to manifest at Rosh Hashanah is a world without Gentiles. The Jewish god created the world with the 22 Hebrew letters in Judaism.

During this period of Sunday the 29th of September through to the first of October do the Final RTR as much as possible. Doing the Final RTR as much as possible on these dates will drain the energy they are attempting to channel to Yom Kippur and the wheel of their year.


Re: Important Rosh Hashanah
Post by HPS Shannon » Thu Sep 26, 2019 9:49 pm

Thank you HP Mageson.

Yes, as was said please everyone, do the RTR as much as possible, this will screw any plans the Jews have for this year with their rituals and make it work in our favor.

We are advancing our souls and are therefore stronger than them.

I'm sure you all have things going on but its important to make time for spamming them. Its a worthy sacrifice.

Re: Important Rosh Hashanah
Post by Horizon666 » Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:29 am

Satanic greetings HP's brothers and sisters i will be doing a good 6 to 9 RTR's per day during there season of filth, and cause as much damage to them as possible.


Re: Important Rosh Hashanah
Post by HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:00 am

Horizon666 wrote:
Satanic greetings HP's brothers and sisters i will be doing a good 6 to 9 RTR's per day during there season of filth, and cause as much damage to them as possible.

This goes for everyone, I reply to bump this thread up. The enemy is starting their dross today and we must start with counteracting them. Be focused.


Re: Important Rosh Hashanah
Post by Ol argedco luciftias » Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:11 pm

HPS Shannon wrote:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 wrote:
We have to keep going with this in "Enhanced mode" well over September 3rd in the very least to keep cleaning the atmosphere so to say. Minimum is September 3. After this we can return to the more "persistence mode" everyday doing of the RTR's.
I guess you mean October 3rd. But yeah, was thinking the same. It'll neutralize alot of their shit. But then Yom Kippur is next week so... have to really put effort in. Thats a big one
I thought we were going as hard as possible from Rotting Shawna right to Yom Kipper. Shut down whatever they're trying to start before it has any chance to start. Is this one of the most important times of the year to be going hard?

Re: Important Rosh Hashanah
Post by HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:16 pm

Ol argedco luciftias wrote:
I thought we were going as hard as possible from Rotting Shawna right to Yom Kipper. Shut down whatever they're trying to start before it has any chance to start. Is this one of the most important times of the year to be going hard?

The thing is the Yom Kippur is the more serious shit, so decide how you are going to pace your energies, so that you don't crawl on Yom Shittur. This Rosh Hashanah is bullshit compared to the Yom Kippur where they do the heavy assaults.If you can do a great amount of RTR's on all these days, go for it. However some may get sore throats and the related, so retain energy for the big event. Yom Dhiarrhea is their aggressive celebration, where they do the real meaningful things. Rosh Hashana is a circus compared to this. Heavier stuff takes place on Yom Kippur. It's the major cursing holiday where all their bullshit will be attempted to be transferred on Gentiles.The plan is to go strong on both dates. A limit for October 3rd is sensible for Rosh HaCrap, but Yom Kippur is when the ritual shit of Azazel's Goat is going to take place, so make sure to pace yourself to be 100% on 8th, 9th, 10th, down to the 12th of October.
